Seattle Hempfest permits denied plz show support and call


Well-Known Member
The 2010 Seattle's Hemp fest might not happen so plz call the seattle mayor's office to support Hempfest The number is (206) 684-4000. Tell evveryone give tthe number out to every 1, don't let the man deny us our freedom of speech...
The orig story is here


Well-Known Member
Well tell your friends to call, let's make this happen RIU, I always hear on here about what can we do to help the cause--- THIS is it it cost no money just call and tell em give up the permits


Well-Known Member
Come on RIU'ers let's show some support. If you have ever wondered what you could do to help the Cannibus culture then this is it. Get off your your asses do somthing for this wonderful herb. And if you don't do somthing then you have NO right to bitch about the current state our beloved herb is in. So get off yor asses and call, call call, and when you are done tell your friends to call, call and call and get there friends to call. So stand up for what you believe in then tell em .........


Well-Known Member
Ya who knows, it could be you who shows up at Hempfest and finnaly be the key to getting this legalized.... So if you don't call and get busted down the road it very well could have been your own fault... ONLY you can get this legalized............... Only if enough of us "you's" stand up and be heard, then and ONLY then you "you's" will be free.....

Holy Fuck I was sooo Stoned when I wrote this :)


Well-Known Member
Safety my ass, they are looking for a way to shut it down. Its a political agenda they have to stop us from getting mj legalized. Roach


Well-Known Member understanding is that the only issue being denied by The City is the 3rd day of The Fest, period....... then I find this, and it does say in the title The 3rd day:
"City of Seattle Tries to Block Hempfest's Third Day
On June 24, 2010, Seattle Hempfest filed an appeal to the City of Seattle Special Events Committee in response to the rejection of a three day permit. The cannabis policy reform rally requested a permit on March 15th, 2010 for the 19th annual Seattle Hempfest. After more than three months of delaying the issuance, the City of Seattle Special Events Committee voted to reject the application for a three day event due to budgetary concerns.

Help us get our 3-day permit!
We need your help to protect our constitutional right to free speech in the park on the 3rd day.
Here's how you can help us win this battle:

1. Call the Mayor's Office
We need the city to hear from their constituents, and visitors. Call the Mayor's office at (206) 684-4000, to express your support for a 3-day Hempfest permit.

2. Contribute and Stay connected
This battle will raise our legal & administrative costs, so you can help us with a Donation, or a Membership (, which will also keep you connected with our effort and our community, and treated like a VIP at the 'Fest.

3. Spread the Word
Let all of your friends know, and ask them to call the mayor's office too and/or contribute. We could also use more lawyers in our pro-bono legal team, if you know any."

That was a copy/paste from CannaCare.
I guess it could be read with different points of view. I will find out for sure with a call and post what/when I find. I just see no way they could block it altogether.



Well-Known Member
Yep, just the 3rd day is in question.....
This is what they said:
"a 2 day permit is not in question, only the third day :)"

I was told this by:

Vivian Wm. McPeak
President, Seattle Events, A Non-profit Corporation
Producers of Seattle Hempfest 2009
P.O. 95650, Seattle, WA, 98145-2650
(206)522-0846 (office) (206)295-7258 (mobile)
Contact for Sponsorship, Vending, and Volunteer info



Well-Known Member who is going? Have you gone before and what did you think? Any out-of-towners coming? Is there already a thread for this here? Then somebody start one.....:mrgreen:

This be my first year because I've always kept a way low profile and kept it all in the closet. Still do, for that matter.......but keeping things within the law anymore---now that I have a defense.....



Well-Known Member
This will be my first year going, Will there be a cost dif for the VIP passes if the can/can't get a 3 day pass.
It's a pretty cool event to check out. I'll be going on the 22nd. If some of you are down maybe we could meet up on the beach and mix up some good herb for a nice joint or blunt if you prefer. It is very laid back and the cops do not mess with you unless you give them a reason to, you are ok to smoke on the beach area as long as you are somewhat concealed about smoking your herb. If you carry in a backpack it may be searched but as long as you are not bringing in weapons or a pound you will be just fine. You will find all sorts of different types of music, each stage has a different type of tune. Also a good event to buy a new piece or two, I bought one about 4 years ago and shes still in use today and has been through a lot of abuse. I am about an hour and a half away from the event but I can assure you it is worth the drive. It's free to get in but would help out if you could spend at least a buck to donate to keep the event going. The only issue with the permit at this point is for the event to also happen on Friday, I highly dought we will ever see a 3 day event. The reason why I believe is the cost for the security and other things. Some advice though is to not come to the event and try selling, this will cause a negative look on the event (if you get caught) and also may be looked upon when the politicians sit down and try to decide to legalize it or not.