second attempt at grow/room


Active Member
your so right doktor. hell, maybey i am an asshole and read it wrong. i have been growing for a year straight now and i havent ever once had a bud or a female plant. i still firmly believe that i am not retarded, but perhaps a bit overzealous. these are basically the last of the high quality seeds i ordered for 100$ and they havent been NEAR as resiliant as the garbage bag seeds i grew with NO idea what i was doing. i grew 5 plants over 5 feet tall on my first attempt in a hydro setup with shit lights, shit nuts, and NO ventalation. ALL 5 turned out to be males. so i spend the money and wait literally 1 month for the seeds to arrive and spare no expense in building new cabenets to do it right. i switched from hydro to soil to make it easier, and i am having 10X the trouble, and i still dont understand the mechanics of soil nutrients. hydro was simple. check water ph, mix nutrients in the water. no flushing, no overwatering, no underwatering. the only redeeming feature of soil so far is how i can just shift around the cups and pots so easy.

i just flushed all 4 plants, as even the bigger great white shark that has starting to push chutes again was starting to get some spots on his new growth. i used about 3/4 of a gallon flushing all 4 cups. i am worried though as the water still had a brown tint to it when i was done flushing. i am guessing that unless i flush nutrients completely till the water is clear, it will do much more harm than good. am i ok? or should i reflush them more? another concern i have is overwatering. how could they be a victum of over-watering and absoutely saturating them not harm them? i am about to go eat and i am afraid they will be drowned when i return.


Active Member
i couldnt agree more morris. my head lives in that cab. and boy am i glad that you agree i needed to flush. the leaves were very burnt when i took them out to flush. even the largest plant was. so if its burning, then the little ones would be roasting i am guessing. i guess lets just hope they all survive the flood. ill be back in an hour or 2 from eating for the moment of truth.


Well-Known Member
you said the plants needed to get watered right? then no worries about over watering, over watering only occurs when your giving it too frequently, those little cups if you felt like it, you could run a gollaon of water for every time you watered and it wouldnt make a difference, now if you gave a cup of water every single day when the plant didnt need it, then you would over water, what over watering does is literally suffocate the roots, your hydro plants would drown if it werent for the air pump, see how critical oxygen is? also i neglected to mention, as you know PH plays a vital role in nutrient uptake, its good to get a sample of runnoff water and test that, this will tell you the PH of the soil, i know this is a ton to take in and the hydro may have been easier, but when you make a mistake you can fix it, the soil is a mistake buffer, not if you didnt check a hydro grow over night and overt fed it you can do some irrepairable damage since hydro nutrients are fast acting, soil fed is slow reacting and only gets a shot of nutes at each watering, so with that flush you just made the soil less potent, now you really need to chill with the waterings, and its good that you can pick up a cup and feel for how wet it is


Active Member
ya. that makes sense about watering frequency being key. this may make you shake your head, or it may explode: but what if i constructed little pots that had drainage ports and air stones inside the pots on the very bottom? it could keep oxygen pouring in from below if water were to be suffocating the bottom. like place air stones in the bottom of the pot in aquarium stones? or was this the most retarded idea ever and i am just high..... P.S. Phil Collins is so fucking awesome. Peter Gab too.


Well-Known Member
your idea is similar to hempy buckets or the dutch bucket system, where full grown roots grow outside of a standard pot and into an enclosed tray underneath and sit in the water, this water isnt much maybe 2 inches worth and is gone fast enough that it wont sit and stagnate and grow nasty shit, without the air stone, again with the air stone this would be deep water culture, but your temps wont allow it


Active Member
blast! ok here is a question that has been plauging me. if i was able to grow 5 plants perfectly all in 1 tub why cant i do it again? if 5 plants made it through the hell and mistreatment i put them through for 3 months before, i was thinking maybey it could be something other than temps that i messed up? lots of people i read said that having the water levels too high where the hydroton is will cause it to rot and make root rot. i can affirm that indeed every single case of root rot i have had, the rockwool was rotten. maybey thats what was causing it? 2 of the 3 tubs i have done resulted in root rot within the first 4 weeks and 1 of those attempts made it 3 months with healthy plants and no RR. not that i am considering going back to hydro, but maybey for clones or mothers it might still be a possibilty in the future? the temps in my house is around 72-75 and cab should be in the low 80's with hps light on. its just odd to imagine that everyone that does hydro lives in a home that the temps are always in the 50's at least to combat the lights. low 70's usually is considered room temp where i come from.


Well-Known Member
noone lives in the 50's, they keep they're grow rooms in the low 70's with an a/c or water chiller, your cab will be warmer cus of the close proximity of the light and rez, some people have setups where the plants are under lights and the rez is outside the room


Active Member
well, i have given them some time and things have basically just got worse. the great white shark is now completely neon yellow. the leaves are bright bright yellow and feel like sandpaper. completely dry, but not brittle. it wont crumble, but it feels way too rigid and tough to be normal. one of the 2 newer saplings looks ok, but its barely growing. the others first set of true leaves are yellow, burnt and dead, and the new growth is tiny and slow. the chruch hasnt changed at all still in 2 months. not 1 single new leaf in 2 months. nothing has changed. period.

i dont know what else to do. soil is seemingly impossible to learn in a reasonable timespan and apparently its impossible to grow hydro unless you spend 400$ on that chiller you mentioned. i wont live here forever and it doesnt seem like its even worth the effort to continue. i have spent over 3k so far, and never seen a calyx. i still have little understanding of soil and it taking weeks between errors makes learning at a reasonable rate futile.
my patience is at an end because all i ever do is wait for plants to completely die. never to progress.


Well-Known Member
look i dont want to discourage you, but its not for everyone, before this i was into backyard gardening, and i had a small nursery behind my store, so i had the basic knowlegde to know what a plant likes, the old clones you have they have root rot, its amazing they are still alive, when you have a basic understanding you let the plant dictate to you, a plant is light yellow? needs food, burnt tips? too much food, to be honest with you, from my viewpoint it seems like you researched more about how to biuld cool systems and not enough about how to care for plants, before i germ one single seed, i read a bulshit little article about 10 times till it started to make sense, i took it slowly, i got a pot, some soil and a couple flourescent lights and learned as i went along, and i have to admit, when i first started doing research, i couldnt make sense, it was overwhelming, too much to remember and too much to do, you say one of your seedlings is burnt up? this could be from the soil, one turned yellow, it needs more nutrients maybe, i asked you a million and one times already, did you go on youtube and watch grow like a pro? i never got a response. dud i watch it every so often still, and the 1st dvd of it is bare basics, and i watch it for pleasure, sometimes just watching the video is much easier to get a good grasp of what your doing than being told from me or others, simply cus we are not in the room staring at the for the clones i need you to do one thing, the old ones need to be getting h2o2 still, this will kill any pythium still around from the first transplant, root rot stops your plants growth in its tracks, next thing i want you to do, you owe it to yourself, i dont know if you have a local hydro shop in your area, if you dont holler at and get a bag Fox Farms ocean forest..... when you get that exact soil, go 75%soil 25% perlite and you will be good for 3-4 weeks...its like $17 a bag, and like $20 shipping, the bag is large enough to fill all your pots, worthwhile investment, but for success, i really want you to read and watch as many videos as you can, from there i can help reiterate anything you may have a question on, everything i tell you may sound alien right now watch these videos and everything will be fine.......


Well-Known Member
must see TV
Grow like a pro DVD's 1&2 (on youtube about 7 10minute parts per dvd) also known as jorge cervantes ultimate grow dvd
Ready set grow vol1 &2

when you get some extra cash purchase my man's dvd's SEE MORE BUDS vol's 1,2&3...these i say you should buy cus i believe you should support a fellow grower, plus hes a RollItUp member, i dont wanna spam but, oh and seemore also has the "grow 8 oz for $100"

the reason i want you to watch these videos is the grasp on growing, plus helping you set up the right conditions, then if you bump into a problem, guys on RIU can help you much easier, it kinda narrows down what your issues may be


Active Member
ya soil isnt my gig. i havent near the control over them i do with hydro. they are growing infinately slower as well. i cant tell how much water they need in soil. i cant test the ph bi-daily. the soil was too acidic the first time i flushed them. now its as alkalie as the meter reads. i still dont know what the bright dry leathery leaves on the one plant are from. you mentioned lack of nuts, but how could the others burn to death and him stave givin they are in the same little pots with same soil? its just too drasticly off to even compensate. and if hot spots can be that drastic....

look man your a newb grower. drop the hydro crap, and get some fucking buckets and some dirt. You will thank me later. water them when the top 1.5 inches of soil is dry. dont worry about the ph. i have never had to ph anything in soil. its worth a shot hydro obviously aint workin for ya....


Active Member
ya soil isnt my gig. i havent near the control over them i do with hydro. they are growing infinately slower as well. i cant tell how much water they need in soil. i cant test the ph bi-daily. the soil was too acidic the first time i flushed them. now its as alkalie as the meter reads. i still dont know what the bright dry leathery leaves on the one plant are from. you mentioned lack of nuts, but how could the others burn to death and him stave givin they are in the same little pots with same soil? its just too drasticly off to even compensate. and if hot spots can be that drastic....

hot spots prob coz ov ur reflective *** wotever ur using


Well-Known Member
dam i was hoping to se some good growing here bummer read the thread and sorry to see your problem still here, hey morris how it growing,just harvets 3 plants yesterday, looking good hope you get to do the same, wtf, soil is the place to be for you and too much controll leaves us with too many errors.mother nature can do it you can to wtf...