Second grow (auto) questions about autos 100% germination?


Well-Known Member
It came with a faucet adaptor, but it was for a garden hose. So I went to home deep throat and got a reducer that fit my kitchen faucet.
So you hook the intake to your faucet, put one hose in the drain for drainage and put one hose into a jug, right? Then just come back later and it is full?
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Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
I am not understanding how it stores the water though. Do I need to buy a tank? Or do you just turn it on and wait for it to fill a gallon jug or something similar?
It has 3 lines, 1 for the faucet, 1 for waste water, and one for the clean RO water. I hook it up to the sink and leave the waste line in the bottom of the sink to drain. Then I put the good line into a gallon jug. Takes about 30 min a gallon.