Second Grow Bagseeds


I plan on using CFLs and soil. I just started about 15 in jiffy starters. Its really just a side thing until I get some better seeds and an HPS light.

Here are the jiffy things with the seeds inside.



Well-Known Member
15 plants must be more than a side thing. You have alot of work and dedication ahead of you if you want it to be successful. I have had terrible results with those jiffy pucks....thats just me. I know many ppl swear by them.


2 came up. I was going to use HPs but I'm going to use CFL instead. off to find a good guide on assembling a good system.

They're in this weird (cool) space age planter
right now, just in front of a window,lol.
plan on moving them in a day or two.

i am going to take pics of my grow space (closet)and ask for some opinions on the best way to do what i want which is to make 2 sections-- 1 veg and one flower-- both using SCROG. and LOTS of other questions too. I'm so glad to find this site.:weed:

thanks for taking the time to read dis.



OK I'm ending this journal. I have done a LOT of thinking along with more than a lot of reading. I've decided to use a spare closet and a small area in my basement and do this thing right. Can someone please tell me what they think of the following idea.

The closet is 6 ft. wide by 2 ft. deep by 8 ft high ceilings. So I plan on getting a 600w HPS with a cool tube, and using the SGROG method with ~6 to 10 plants. Should I go closer to 6 or closer to 10? Should I up the wattage? IS the difference noticeable? Basically I want to know if it's worth it. With 400 more watts would I be able to harvest more bud or would I just be wasting electricity? I am using white widow, feminized, from (heres a post about those idiots.)
I read yields that were WAY different than each other online. One was 450 g per meter squared. Another was 150. So.. But I know that there are tons and millions of variables that go into yield. My first and only other grow I yielded 100 grams from 1000 watts HPS metal halide combo. BUT-- I was very lazy and ignorant. Moreso, lol. Can anyone give a very rough estimate of what I can expect to yield from white widow under 1000 watts versus under 600w, using SCROG.

I also have many nore questions but can someone answer the few I have for now.

Thank you folks, I sincerely appreciate anyone even taking the time to read this.