Second grow (Blue Mystic)


Active Member
well i am going to do my best to keep this up to date.. but anyway this is my second grow but my first time growing Blue Mystic. i am currently growing in a closet with cfls. ok so here is the deal right after christmas break i planted 5 bagseed seeds i know that a couple plants are some AZ and the other im not sure but anyway they were growing nicely had a couple browning leave probs but for the most part they were and are very green. i was having trouble since october on getting my prepaid credit card....just got that straight last week and ordered my Blue Mystic seeds from the doc under nirvana. so this wednesday i poped 1 blue mystic seed in some seed starter soil and put her (i hope) under the light. i will not be able to see my plants till monday so no pics till then i just got to remember to take my camera with me.. i do however go someone taking care of them while im not there tho.......if yall have any ? just ask....oh and if any of yall have grown Blue Mystic is it very hard, and what is the flavor, high like?


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oh i forgot to ask is it ok for what i did seeing how my plants were growing and was about to put them in flower, i cut them half way down so i could veg a blue mystic seed, what im asking is will the plats that i cut half way down grow back? and is this a hard strain to grow any tips pointers are appreciated...just trying to find out as much as i can about this strain.

i will be posting pics tommorow night


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ok here are my babies, the pics of the plants are the AZ plants and the not so sure plants, however these seeds came from a bag of damn good sticky icky.........well the one square pot is where one blue mystic seed resides so we will see what happens...i had one seed planted there but it did not spout so today i planted a new one...
wish me luck



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anyone have any suggestions? dont mean to sound pushy by the way just want to improve my growing experience


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well from the plants that i already had growing from bagseed i got a deffinate 2 females...this happend because i forgot to fix the timer and did not catch this till today.....but the blue mystic is not yet above ground its only been 1 day so im not really looking for one right was dry so i gave it water that was in a milk jug for about 2 days

but here are updated pics......sorry i cant do micros on this cam so cant get sex traits



Active Member
k ill see if i can do that its just that i cant see the plants every day but never mind ill just have to show the person staying with them how to do it...thanx for the reply man


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ok this is day two on blue mystic. so here is the story this friday i went to to the place and was concerned cuz it had been like 4 days and my blue mystic seed had not poped above ground so i kindly scratched the surface to see if i could find the seed, i did of course and it was on its side with the root facing up and curling around and going into the dirt. i knew then that the seed was upside down lol. so i fixed it right, had the seed top like right below the dirt so it wouldnt have to work so hard to get saturday morning the little baby poped its head through the dirt but seed still attached of course. i did not help the seed off the top of the plant (did this one time, not a good outcome). and by the afternoon the seed was off the top of the plant and trying to purk up straight. i also noticed during this time that the back right corner plant was a positve male, so i cut it down and got it out of the grow room. because of my male i had room for another plant so of course i put another blue mystic seed in some of my seed starter soil, to better my odds of getting a female, but if i do get a male im collecting the pollin. this morning i checked on my little seedling and it was up straight but the leaves were not open yet. oooo also last night i watered my plants with a ph of 5.5 is this a good ph? i just learned not too long ago that vinager will drop the ph so i just started that last night.

sorry but there will not be any pics this week (short on gas money) but i promise i will get pics next week for sure


Active Member
ok todays the fourth day that my blue mystic has been above ground..hopefully the other one will pop its head out really soon. the grandpa said he watered the little seedlings yesturday but i hope he did not water with the jug with ferts in it if he did i might be im going to have to go out there today and check on them so i will most deff post some pics tonight i promise


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well here i am at day 12 i know that they are kinda streched but i will fix that when i transplant them friday night so it will be all good. my other plants that got over watered did not make it tho:evil: yea it sucks but we learn and move on.
and for the pics...ill take all comments/criticism



Active Member
srry guys about the grow log yea it kinda fell to shit i had alot of things that happend in my life.

BUT HEY IM BACK!!!!!!:bigjoint:

just started a new grow this morning dont have pics cuz there is nothing to see just some seeds in some miricle grow seed starter soil, with a dome lid. i PH balanced the water and just put water in the bottom and am going to let the seeds get water that way. i have two 42 watt cfl's over the dome so when the do pop out of the soil. time is 24 hrs on 0 hrs off. oh by the way all of my seeds are Blue Mystic from Nirvana. i will try to put up pics as soon as they pop.