Second grow ever


Active Member
0kay cool guess the only way we`ll be able to tell is how the bud grows and its structure . It could be white widow lotsa widow plants look kinda like that bigger one because it has columbian gold in its genetics . But I know what you mean people always exagerate shit these people tryed to pass off this other bud i smoked the other day as chocolate grape haze . What country you in ? peace


Got the first set of 9 bladed leaf on plant 1 today. Plant 2 has only 7 bladed leafs but I think the new pair will be of 9.


Active Member
Awesome next grow if you`re resctricted to that wattage you should just drill holes in the the top of the pot put screws in em and tie the plant sideways or at an angle . This way you`ll get many budsites because 85watts don`t have much penetration like a foot of 30 cm`s I`d assume . But if you just growing for the hell and love of it then like this is fine but their are lotsa easy methods to increase your yield . Cheers will check back soon


Yeah I know, but I wanted to do a grow without any lst or topping, i want to see the normal growth of the plant. I'll try to put more lights in there, but it's not easy because my grow space is a little reduced and is made out of cardboard.
Ill try to get some wood and build a frame with it.


Yesterday I had an accident, a bulb fell on plant 1 and broke the stem near the new growth, just like topping but I didn't cut anything. The new growth has hanging from the plant and died, so I removed it. Today two new strong shots started growing rapidly, so I accidentally topped a plant, kinda hard to believe.


Active Member
Oh earlier in my grow i dropped my fluro tube fixture on one of my plants snapped it right in half in half and the other half just continued growing and is now budding with my other one just not getting much light shit thing is it was a much nicer plant with much more stable genetics . These plants espically sativa`s strains can withstand so much .
On which plant did this happen the taller or shorter one sorry confusing first with the names now the numbers not that naming them is not a bad idea at all cannabis loves psychic energy :) .


Well my first grow was on a window sill with 8h of reflected light, and like 4h of direct sunlight, it was never fertilized and it had allot of over/under water problems. It still grew and budded up nicely, so yeah they're pretty hardcore :leaf:
I named because they're living beings, everyone names their dogs and cats, why not plants?

The taller one, so the smaller one is catching up nicely. Yesterday I think I saw some pistils in the smaller one, but I cant be sure, it was near the new growth so theres just too much confusion in there to see clearly.


Active Member
Yup almost a week after switch they should show sex within the next few days at most a week takes long with these sativa dominant strains and i also notice the stems go reddish some time for me the plant ussually comes out more fruity as opposed to piney and , I`m not talking about like realy red stem like when it has a potasium deficency .Goodluck .:leaf:


Thanks guys, wheres some pictures of them:

8 days into flowering

Plant 1

You can see the 2 new tops, this plant is really starting to branch.

Plant 2


Their stems have sorta vertical red stripes on them, its actually pleasant visually.


Active Member
They both looking awesome plant two is catching up nicely . You were lucky got a clean cut on them and the two nodes are perfect and undamaged be careful though those nodes turn into little plants of their own and start to get huge .
How much watts are you using in total now they are growing fast and the nodes look healthy I`m very impressed .


Im using 3 spiral clfs that have 30 watts each, 2 of them are 6700k and the other is 2700k. So 2 blue spectrum bulbs above each plant and one red spectrum at the center. The total wattage would be 90 watts, although the manufacturer claims each of them puts out 150 watts, going by that it would have 450 watts total.

When they show sex will change the combination of lights to 2 red spectrum and 1 blue (for what i've seen they really like the blue spectrum, makes them strong and healthy)


Active Member
Oh i think it means that the bulbs are 150 watt equivilent compared to a normal light bulb .They doing realy good for 90 watts :) . Yup full spectrum does make them grow awesome i can`t wait to have a metal halide to veg with gunna be able to veg like a beast . Yup change them out though just like you said when they starting to flower but for now its fine making your nodes get huge with the one 2700 k helping the stems get thick to support nice buds . Cheers bro oh yeh and keeping one blue during flower apparently helps the potency .


Today I topped plant 2, it was starting to stretch so this will help to keep her small. Plant 1 has started to flower, but the flowers are too small to say it's a male or female, maybe tomorrow or in 2 days ill be able to tell. I really like that clf's produce such a little ammount of heat, a hps would make my temps sky high.

Blue light really makes a thick stem and nice nodes, so im keeping at least 1 blue bulb in there for the entire grow.


Flowering day 13, still no signs of sex. Theres something growing in the bud sites but it's still to small to tell sex.



Active Member
Today I topped plant 2, it was starting to stretch so this will help to keep her small. Plant 1 has started to flower, but the flowers are too small to say it's a male or female, maybe tomorrow or in 2 days ill be able to tell. I really like that clf's produce such a little ammount of heat, a hps would make my temps sky high.

Blue light really makes a thick stem and nice nodes, so im keeping at least 1 blue bulb in there for the entire grow.
So both plants are topped now ? They looking good the cfl`s do a goodjob at keeping the temps low , I added an 85watt recently with porcelain socket and it stays quite cool still . Could only find blue spectrum though but it`s fine just hope it makes bud bigger .
Hoping we start seeing two females growing soon they taking long to preflower but probably just because they look sativa dominant males ussually show signs first so maybe you in luck :) .


Yes, both of them are topped. Actually I was hoping to get a male from the smallest plant and a female from the tallest, so I could pollinate one of the lower buds to keep this strain. I would grow the male on a window sill far away from the female, this way I could focus all the bulbs I have on only 1 plant (and I dont think my growspace is big enough to grow 2 females in full flowering).


Active Member
Yeh but don`t worry about that get new seeds for your next grow something more indica dominant that`ll stay small . These mite have a long flowering period but we are yet to see heh it may even be w.w we`ll be able to tell if the tops and sugar leaves start turning white with thc :) . Plants look great huge fan leaves and the nodes look good , they`ll maybe get massive , if you needa put one by the windowsill do it gradually so that the plant can adjust too the uv rays :) .
Try and keep both in there if possible and if female going to be exciting seeing how these flower .


Yeh but don`t worry about that get new seeds for your next grow something more indica dominant that`ll stay small . These mite have a long flowering period but we are yet to see heh it may even be w.w we`ll be able to tell if the tops and sugar leaves start turning white with thc :) . Plants look great huge fan leaves and the nodes look good , they`ll maybe get massive , if you needa put one by the windowsill do it gradually so that the plant can adjust too the uv rays :) .
Try and keep both in there if possible and if female going to be exciting seeing how these flower .
Yeah, ill keep them both in the grow space until they show sex. The tallest plant, doesn't really have a smell but the smaller one has such a nice and powerful smell. I'd really like it if this was w.w, its the most popular strain in the world and i'd really love to grow it (not saying its the best, but its the most popular).


Still no signs of sex, im thinking probably theres light entering the grow space. Im thinking of reversing the 12-12 light schedule so that the dark period would correspond with the night and the lights would be on during the day, I had my lights running at night because of the hot weather, but its now a good temperature 25ºC (there was 2 weeks of 35ºC-41ºC).
Has anyone ever done this? Will the plants take any damage from it? Im planning to give them an extra 12 hours of darkness so that is less stressful for the plant and it will induce flowering.