Second grow First with H.P.S. lights. Test of Auto Fem Bubbalicious (Nirvana) PICS!!

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
They look a little past 2-3 weeks of flowering as far as their development. I would allow them to continue to flower and see how they fill in.


Well-Known Member
Please note.. these are autoflowering Bubbaliciuos from Nirvana. Someone suggested that I not supercrop them but it was too late.

This is why I'm wondering if the buds are going to get bigger? I put them on a 12/12 timer about 1 week after germination under 8 t-12 shop lights for about 4 weeks then I added 2 150 watt HPS lights.

I hope Im not going to get a bush filled with popcorn buds..

Any ideas??

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Time will tell. I have never understood why people want auto flowering strains. You have no control over them. Keep to the course. If they are going to fill out you should see some improvement over the next few weeks.


Well-Known Member
They seemed like a good idea at the time :)

This is only my second real grow so I wanted to try something different.

Next grown is gonna be a big old sativa that I have to milk along for 4-6 months :)

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
They seemed like a good idea at the time :)

This is only my second real grow so I wanted to try something different.

Next grown is gonna be a big old sativa that I have to milk along for 4-6 months :)
Hahahahah - lessons learned. I have been growing 2 different strains for several years. No surprises.


Well-Known Member
UPdated pictures.. Everythings going fine except I foundwhat look like seed pods under the buds. They are covered in crystals & have orange hairs growing from them. Hermie?

THe plants look pretty damn good though.. NOt sure what to do about the pods though.


Well-Known Member
Here;s a picture looking down the center of the plant on the left. You can tell where I broke it & ended up with a funky stalk.


Well-Known Member
with auto flowering strains you can leave them under 24 hours of light and they will still flower,so 12/12 isnt necessary.
anyway your ladies are looking good even the one with the funky stalk.


Well-Known Member
Picture Updates.

Almost ready to harvest! I figure 2 weeks. Smells a serious issue. WOrking on it though.

THese were seeds put in the ground on September 11.

I tasted a bit on Sunday & it was MINT so I think I get another good crop. I might try just growing the plants next time. No lst or topping. I see I have wide bushy plants (there are only 2 there) but I don't see the big 2' main colas that some others get.


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Coming along nicely. It was hard for me to let go of that "Big Cola" syndrome but with experience I have learned that the plant redistributes the same amount of bud when you top, LST or super crop. It was a leap of faith and I can get the most out of my 400 hps by using top, LST and super crop to better control the canopy. It is really personal preference and light penetration issues.


Well-Known Member
DSCF9020.jpgDSCF9011.jpgDSCF9009.jpgDSCF9006.jpgDSCF9025.jpgDSCF9017.jpgDSCF9020.jpgDSCF9011.jpgDSCF9009.jpgDSCF9006.jpgDSCF9025.jpgDSCF9017.jpgWell, I sampled a bit of her again, after a couple days drying & I think I created a monster. I found I started getting all fucked up & head high after only a couple (litteraly 2) hits off this stuff.

I think it may be too strong for me to smoke. Is that possible? It still tastes like crap but I think I'm going to harvest them this weekend. Smells really becoming an issue. I have a charcoal filter on the output fan, along with Bounce dryer sheets & then on my basement fan thats exhausting to the outside I have bounce sheets all over the back side of it. The back deck stinks of pot & bounce & that's AFTER going through a charcoal filter plus a sandwich of aquarium charcoal.

Oh boyee.. Too much of a good thing I guess..


Well-Known Member
Well I have lost the battle of the smell. I was going to flush them on Sunday & chop the following week but I can't wait. I let the dog out & holy crap my back yard (& I live in a townhome sub-division) stinks. The inside of the house is about a 2 on the main floor (you COULD smell it, if you were really sharp) The basement where its growing is about a 4 but the rear yard is a farking 12.

I am using a charcoal filter drawing the air out of the cabinet through it. I have bounce sheets in the duct as well. In the room where the cabinet is I have a large fan in the window (its hidden under the deck. stupid place for a window.. except for THIS case :) & I have bounce sheets over the fan drawing the air out of the basement through the bounce sheets & to the rear yard.

Still, the smell is terrible. I definitely have to work on that before the next grow. Its only 2 farkin plant but my God. I have to chop ASAP.

So, I turned the timer off & although I only flushed them Wednesday, Im gonna chop them Saturday morning. I will leave the lights off until then giving them about 60-70 hours of dark. That's supposed to help with thc production? Who knows.. but I have to wait until then regardless so its worth a shot. I would have like to have left them for a week or so with no water just to dry them out a little more to help with the curing & what not but I guess a little yield loss & what not is better than jail :) or at least losing my babies.

Will post pics of the harvest :)


Well-Known Member
looking good,look forward to seeing the harvest pics.

if the sample you smoked was too strong for ya,then think about what the properly dried and cured stuff will do.good time ahead ay..
I will leave the lights off until then giving them about 60-70 hours of dark. That's supposed to help with thc production?
that dark time will increase resin production and make your girls all kinds of sticky. sucks about the smell shortening your grow time. Sounds like a happy new year and a merry christmas.


Well-Known Member
Getting this at say 85% perfect is still ok. Next grow, because of what I've learned, is going to go full circle man. Im gonna grow a couple really long finishing sativas. I have some Haze seeds I was going to try. Let them veg for a 6-8 weeks THEN 12/12 & lst the crap out of them. Wonder what happens after 15-20 weeks of flowering?

This wont be till after I rebuild me grow box over Christmas holidays & what not. I saw a journal on here with I think 2 BC Big Buds grown indoors & fark me they were 8' tall! He had the lights going up & down instead of at the top. The plants were beautiful & the yield HUGE.

If I could grow a couple like that it would last me for 2 years!

Any suggestions as to strain? I like Nirvana seeds because I've had great luck with them & they really took care of me when I had an issue with an order. I'm looking for a really heady high sativa. No idea what strains to even look at. Any suggestions & reasons WHY they are what you would grow?



Awesome job in my opinion, carl.burnette.

Those two plants look like they are going to yield great =)

I'm doing an auto "short rider" from nirvana, and I thought mine was bushy, but yours definitely beat it in that category =)

I left my go au-natural - I didn't even rip off the dead leaves until recently. I did have to do a little LST on the 5 big branches in the middle of mine - they are pushing right up on the lens of my LED UFO. I have it at max height and I kind of regret buying the dr60 grow tent - I should have went with the bigger dr80 for another foot or so of height.

It's my first grow though, so live and learn =)

Mine went into the soil on 9/20 so I'm thinking I can harvest in another 10 days or so, it sure is tough to wait it out when the buds are looking so nice =)


Well-Known Member
OK. Cut one down totally & put it on a 3 level drying rack. I have no scales so I don't know what the yield is in weight but it covers 3 trays that are about 12" deep & 36" wide. There was no room for the other one so I cut her down anyways, nipped off the big fans & hung her in 4 pieces to partially dry. I left them in the dark since Friday so thats a good long dark period. Honestly I have no idea if it made them more frosty or not. It certainly helped with the trimming though. Already wilted & what not. I figure I will leave the harvest on the trays until Thursday & then jar them. I can then trim & cut the other plant & get them in jars over the weekend.

Man does it stink. You can certainly smell the sweet undertone of the bubbalicious & the main smell is gas at this point. I really hope that goes away.

I could be wrong, but I suspect I have will have about 200 grams per plant. I have no idea how that compares, but in quantity I will fill at least 3-4 500 ml mason jars per plant & the buds are very dense. Far more than my harvest with the t-12's A couple of the main colas are like pop can big. First time I have held a bud that takes 2 hands :)

So as far as learning from this grow I STRONGLY recommend HPS lights & proper soil. HUGE difference. ANd I have no where NEAR enough smell control in my cabinet.

I will post pictures when possible. (Darn kids) Hopefully tomorrow or later on tonight.

Smoke report to follow after proper curing :) I have one jar left from previous harvest so that should prevent me from rushing this one.