Second grow in a while need some advice

hi i have started a grow about 6weeks ago setup using 6 600w led grow lights growing in coco temp is aound 75 - 80 and here is the problems i am facing
- i overwatered the seedlings just before they needed transplanting to there bigger pots
- There is yellowing on some of the lower leaves, some are fine some are not and also some plants are really light green
- about 6 that are light green or experiencing yellowing lower leaves are whats to me looks like nute burn?
I transplaned these about 2 weeks ago and gave them there first nutes half strength canna a and b
I have not seen any signes of growth in the past 4 weeks! I dont know wether they need more feed or less so i have gave straight ph'd water to the ones looking like nute burn and feed to the ones that seem fine but even them are not growing at all much?
Ph is around 6-6.2


Well-Known Member
Are you feeding every day.?

Are you run to waste.?

How big are your pots?

Take a bunch of pictures. I bet your ubderfeeding and waiting too long between feedings... Or your feeding plain water Inbetween. Just a guess haha


Well-Known Member
If they have nute burn and you have overwatered it sound like you may of caused a nutrient lock out, very common especially with canna if not having a decent run off, I always did one nutrient feed and next plain water with around 20% run off but normally new growth will be light colored aswell, lower leaves normally indicates a nutrient deficiency,bare in mind this is just speculation from experience with the others say pics would help a lot.but if you are not achieving a decent runoff canna tends to leave salts behind