Second Grow, Nirvana's Bubbelicious and White Widow

So I decided to start my second grow while my first is budding. My new crop has been raised to 9 plants, 3 bubbelicious, 4 white widow (though still waiting for 4th to sprout, 1 clone from my first grow, and 1 mystery seed from nirvana if it sprouts as its tail receded back into the seed husk. If it doesnt sprout I will be germinating another bubbelicious seed.

Currently they are under 2 13 watt cfls, in my old grow box, though I plan on selling an old iPod touch to get capital to build a new veg room, that will be 3x2x2.

Feel free to give advice or comment :bigjoint:

#1. The entire new crop
#2. 2 of the 3 bubbelicious, and the clone in the bg
#3. The clone
#4. The 3rd bubbelicious
#5. 2 of the 3 sprouted white widow
#6. The 3rd white widow (on the right side)


So I havent updated in about a week, ive been busy as ive returned to school, and been spending as much time with my girlfriend as i can, because shes moving. :/

However ive transplanted all my crop into larger pots, exept the 3 clones, which arent quite fully developed yet.

My final decision on my crop is the 3 bubbelicious, 3 white widow, and 3 clones. One bubbelicious, is having problems though, one white widow is getting taller and wider spaced, so I have a preassumption that it may be a male, but going to wait to know for sure.


My crop is just over 3 weeks old now, and its coming along nicely. Ive also noticed that the 3 white widows have spread ut so I am starting to think its strain related, and the injured bubbelicious is starting to grow again. while the other 2 are doing great with no issues except for a little leaf burnage do to lights.

