Second grow seems to be going well.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. this is my second grow, my last grow wasn't spectacular but i gt a bit of bud from it, anyway the main question goes out to all the learned growers in the house, how do my plants look for about 10 days old. sorry for the shitty and off center pics, had to use my phone and could hardly see cos it was kinda a bright day.
thanks guys



Well-Known Member
I'm growing outdoors (i live in australia so its the start of our season), regular potting soil, no nutes yet cos they r only a week and a half old or so and i water, depending on temps, every 3-4 days.
any tips?


Active Member
i'd say you were pretty set for outdoors, i dont know much, but i've been reading a lot about indoor growing. i wish i could grow outside.


Well-Known Member
sprout, roughly 15 days from the seed cracking. are they ok? i think the slower one is mainly indica and the faster one is a nice mix but i'm not entirely sure cos they're still mini.


Well-Known Member
yeah they look good man. looks like a bug might be eating at the side of the leaves. but other than that they look good. dont overlove your plants.


Well-Known Member
nah i fucked that one up on germination i think i handled it kinda rough, those leaves came out like that. anyway thanks for your input guys, any more tips or feedback would be good.