Second Grow(ssh) Need Everyones Advice Please

If its flowering generally you don't want to be cutting or doing anything. If you can just leave it and keep the lights close.
Also you can keep the lights beside it so it will try growing towards the light which is not up but sideways that might help but to be honest,
its going to have to stay tall and will continue to do so.
Still learning myself so I can't offer any advice or suggestions, but your leaves look GREAT!!! Nice shape. Nice color.

Keep up the good work!


Active Member
Nice first grow, its a little spindly and not branching much, which means less yield, but your ok.
and no, its not too late to LST. I LST'd a 6 foot tall plant last year. just bend like 1 inch a day, so that you don't break the stalk. keep doing so until its all the way over. Looks like a nice healthy plant, but i too would let it grow much more until flowering. Maybe you could dual-spectrum it.
Anyway, if your running out of space, top it, that would allow the branched to grow fast. top it and clone the top that you cut off. Awesome so far +rep for going balls out.