Second grow, White Widow X Big Bud Feminized. Hope you enjoy :D!


Active Member
Is it showing as a bunch of "attachments" followed with numbers? They aren't showing as photos for me >.<..


Active Member
yeah no pics... just attachments that don't work.
Hm thats odd. I put a space in between each photo, they all showed up, then they say "attachment" again. I see the photos for #1,#2,and#3..but the grow and giant cluster of photos came up in words and numbers.

Bah >.<



Active Member
So since the photos decided to get all messed up in the update, I just went ahead and attached them all a better way.

Thanks everyone :D.




Well-Known Member
What kind of camera you got? Check for the white balance option and it will take away the orange tint from the HPS, see if it works.


Active Member
What kind of camera you got? Check for the white balance option and it will take away the orange tint from the HPS, see if it works.
There isn't an option on the camera. The Mrs. said she's going to try and change it.


Active Member
I've found a couple more preflowers. A light bulb finally popped above my head and i used my 10x field scope :D.

Even though i havent heard back much, i hope you all enjoy. I plan on updating again within a few days, as within a week or two these preflowers will no longer be preflowers and there will be pistils everywhere :D.

Thanks everybody :D!



Active Member
Ill take some new photos when the lights flip in an hour :D. Sorry about the orange everyone >.<

Whats everyone smoking on today? I scored some super stanky deathstar. Haven't had it in years. Same with sesi star, which ia why i ordered the seeds :3



Well-Known Member
We got Cola about me atm,some good shit.
Don't think we get weed with names like "Deathstar" in the Uk lol.


Active Member
Ill second not having a good computer. I mean, mine runs W.O.W. nicely, but Diablo would own it >.<. The old republic won't run on it and it's just collecting dust :(.

I took photos in the dark..but my camera didn't pick up much. My phone camera may pick up the preflowers as it did with the lights on..just not easy to get in the perfect spot in the dark xD.


Active Member
I've found this chart helpful in the past. View attachment 2168597 How close are the lights? the leaf edges are turning up. I think that's do to the plant trying to conserve moisture. Might need to back light off a bit. Do you use RO water? Calmag might help if you do.


Active Member
I've found this chart helpful in the past. View attachment 2168597 How close are the lights? the leaf edges are turning up. I think that's do to the plant trying to conserve moisture. Might need to back light off a bit. Do you use RO water? Calmag might help if you do.
I use crystal geysey gallons of water. The light was a lot closer due to not raising it for a few days. It was probably at 14 or 15 inches and i raised it back to 21 inches.

Probably a lack of me raising the light. I fed them a very diluted feeding and added some non feeding water after that. +Rep to Pixi, and thanks very much;D



Active Member
What is the key height to have a 400 Watt HPS light at? It seems when it was at 14 or 15 that burn occured.

Just don't want the girls damaged. Its at exactly 21 inches right now.

I plan on doing an update Friday everyone. The girls are growing tall extremely fast.

Would it be smart to like put the fan in the closet and have it blowing over the canopy and under the light? That way it can be closer?

Thanks all



Active Member
I believe there's a chance that the burn is nutrient burn. Heat burn would be occurring at the tops of the plants. I noticed a couple small spots on another leaf..after I fed them again :(.

What do you guys recommend? Flushing? Or just feeding normal water for a day or two?

Hope to hear back soon. Thanks everyone.
