Second Grow


Well-Known Member
This is my second Grow. Lost the first to a hermaphrodite.

HPS 400 Watt
Nirvana 5 Snow White Fem/5 PPP Fem
70-82 Degrees Fluctuating Temp
Humidity 40-55 percent
Scrog Setup
Organic Nutrients

I started Flowering around nine or ten days ago. I have 9 left because i had some questionable growth from one of the snow whites. I enjoy seeing everyones journals and hope to have a grow that compares to some of the amazing ones i see on this site.

I welcome any advice/criticism that may help me improve on what i have.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man, they are all really healthy. The only thing that concerns me is 9 females in that space is a lot. But if it works it works. :)

They look amazing, you got a sweet setup.


Well-Known Member
Yea i am worried about the space issue. Its a 2 foot by 3 foot area. Very small, but i think i can pull it off. Thank you for the compliments


Well-Known Member
Yup, i got each plant in about 1.4 gallons of soil with the pots raised 5 inches off the ground. I used boards resting on the walls bottom molding to raise the pots for easier drainage. I'll post a picture so its a little easier to imagine.

The potting mix
10 percent worm castings
25 percent perlite
65 percent Pro-mix organic potting soil


Well-Known Member
Heres another look at the scrog. You can see the fan in the center blowing upwards. Also the wood boards i used to raise the pots for easy drainage.



Well-Known Member
you're doing a fine job my don't need any advice from me, just keep doing what you're doing. They look really good! :joint:

When the buds get going, they develop and mature really quite quickly.

Sorry about your hermie, but it is a lottery, hopefully all your others will be stable, but keep a close eye on them just in case. I look forward to watching this one progress! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliments,

They are doing well the temperature has been a little cooler then i thought when the lights off. Two of my PPP plants calyx's are turning purple. Maybe i can pull off a nice assortment of buds. They get a nice flush and fert tomorrow, so ill have more pics tuesday


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone

Flushed today and gave a healthy dose of ferts. Here are a few pics, they are 13 days old here. I removed the netting cause it was a pain to flush and water. Does anyone have any ideas about what i could do that would mimic the screen i had. the screen was simply used to push the lower branches up while spacing them out, so light was evenly received. the plants arent yellow at all just the lighting



Well-Known Member
had to cut down a hermaphrodite yesterday. have 8 plants left 3 snow white 5 ppp, 3 ppp are purple now and look peeertty


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, i love feedback, i mistakenly thought it was a scrog earlier on cause i had a net. Now i only have 7 plants left but they look very strong.