second hand smoke


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke in my grow room and don't allow anyone else to either.Ive cleaned way to many piss yellow windows and walls to ever expose my plants to ciggie smoke,and sparking up around them just seems a little creepy and it is never a good idea to tinker in yer room blitzed.


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke in my grow room and don't allow anyone else to either.Ive cleaned way to many piss yellow windows and walls to ever expose my plants to ciggie smoke,and sparking up around them just seems a little creepy and it is never a good idea to tinker in yer room blitzed.

any smoke will harm your plants, do not smoke in there. it causes the little breathers under the plants leaves to close up

cease and desist


Well-Known Member
smoke is dirty as pookiedough and pandabear point out - it also contains CO (carbon monoxide) which is not good for plants - they do however really like CO2 (carbon dioxide) which they get from fresh air!


Well-Known Member
thnx everyone for your input i love you all without RIU i would have no plants

keep doing your thing people