second harvest

Johnny Vapor

Well-Known Member
I hope you got those buds hanging up by now. Those big buds look nice & impress noobs, but they're a bitch to cure at that size. I'm assuming those big ones are actually several smaller buds still attached to the stem & tightly packed. A uniform size helps them all dry or cure at the same rate. Just my $0.02. You don't want powder or mold. Other than that, great job.


Well-Known Member
I think that means there is still cloraphyll in the buds
I'm not quite sure how to fix that but there's a start
I think the buds needed to dry more before the cure


Well-Known Member
they deffinitly look nice. Read up on the hay smell there's quite a few threads on here in regards to that


Well-Known Member
Looks great dude!

Do some research on curing and you should be able to get that hay smell out of em'.

Best of luck, and enjoy your harvest.