Second Round - All or Nothing!!!!


Active Member
Was caused by asthma, but smokin doesnt help and smokin weed just adds to it lol
Now that it's happened it's twenty times more likely to happen again.

mr west

Well-Known Member
cough cough cough scary stuff that 2 of my mates had collapsed lungs in the last couple of years lol


Active Member
Hey guys just a quick update, no pics tho as I'm not online atm and can't upload.
I now have 8 plants in my flower room, I did have 9 but took one out coz it was male.
Plenty going on in the veg room with nearly 20 plants in there at the mo, mostly seedlings in there but have 6 clones that have taken in there too.

Regret to say but I'm smokin 5wk old bud at the mo, it's not brilliant but still better than chink weed, and also better than trying to skrimp around looking for money or stuff to sell.


Active Member

do you guys remember this?
its the clone i took from my bubblelicious, it flowered and here it is at the begining of her re-veg, well she has changed a lot lol thats an understatement!!! im gonna go take a pic of her now and will upload, id love to see what u guys think of her, and see if u can guess how far in flower she is.


Active Member
this is my bubblelicious re-veg back in flower, see if u can guess how far gone she is............

so what u thinking guys????????//


Active Member
ive been away for a while as u all may know, there have been many things going wrong in my life the last 6 months, too much to go into. as it stands i am still growing but in a mates tent. i have a little concern if anybody could shed some light, alot of the leaves on our grow have gone glossy, is this a problem that i need to worry about???


Active Member
one is herijuauna and the other is an unknown strain but good yielder that he kept from his last grow. the rest in there are fine its just these 2 that get a bit glossy


Active Member
Hey guys, im in need of some advice if poss, im looking to get back into growing properly on my own so i dont have to split yield with a friend. my two main probs are stealth and electric, im only looking to veg atm as my mate is using my 600w to flower atm, but want a set up that isnt going to cost alot of money in electric, was thinking of setting up between 4 and 6 energy saving lightbulbs each the equivilant of 100w output but only using 40w per bulb, will this be sufficiant light for vegging a plant, after crimbo the elec wont be an issue as i would have sold enough of this crop to cover electric for another grow, the only prob i will have then is stealth. please if anyone has any advice please enlighten me. thanks guys


Well-Known Member
You would be fine with two 40w CFL bulbs. and even better with 4-6. my veg box was cheap as shit. but not steal. but that was because i wasn't trying to be. but you could easily get ideas from it and get stealthy.

its just a plastic bin. i bought some fixtures and attached the lights to the top and voila!


Active Member

this is whats happening in my m8s tent atm, these were taken 2 weeks ago and are now 7 1/2 weeks into 12/12 so only a few weeks left now, 3 are his and 4 are mine, his 3 are monsters tho. cant wait myself tho so will pop down 2 night and see if i can take one early.


Active Member
murder!!!! lol i took my casey last night, she looked ready and is just drying now, that will see me through til i take the others hopefully lol. got some new pics so will post them up in a min. chuffin on some romulan atm >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Active Member
pics as promised...........

Full Tent

My Mates Casey Jones

And Again

My Bubblelicious. Still going strong, ive had this strain for over a year now from one seed i have carried it over by re-vegging and then cloning.

One Main Cola Of Lemon Skunk, Few other little buds poking through, Bubblelicious in the background.

Westy's PK Surprise

Im getting excited as there is now 1wk and 4 days til the big chop, all of the above apart from the Lemon Skunk will be taken.