Photoperiod Cannabis Strains
- Will vegetate essentially indefinitely on anything between an 18/6 and 24/0 light cycle.
- Can be cloned, one seed = unlimited plants.
- Will flower once put into a 12/12 light cycle.
- Usually will take longer to produce a usable yield (average 4 months).
- Can produce a larger plant and therefore higher yield.
- Will often produce a more potent bud.
- Can take more abuse due to unlimited vegetation period.
- Responds well to topping and super-cropping in the vegetative cycle.
Autoflowering Cannabis Strains
- Will vegetate for a limited amount of time before automatically going into flowering mode (each strain's vegetative time will be different).
- Cannot be cloned (in the traditional sense), one seed = one plant.
- Will flower automatically, regardless of light cycle.
- Usually will produce usable yield sooner (some as soon as 2 months from seed germination, and usually around 3 months from seed).
- Will usually produce a smaller plant and therefore limited yield.
- Can't take much abuse due to limited growth time.
- May not respond well to topping and super-cropping.
How old is you plant?
Roughly how long into growing did it start flowering?
Did you have to change the light cycle to 12/12 to start flowering or did the plant start flowering by itself?