secret door to grow

jimmy slim big

Well-Known Member
and yea yea yea i know i can google it blah blah blah .... i have been and id rather have a conversation about it with someone and understand it better....


Well-Known Member
pointless??? how so? the point it would serve is keeping people i dont want in the room out.... steel door.... considering a door like that would cost 3 times what my whole room cost i take it your just being snarky? either way making this door way really hasnt cost extra or has it been a hasle of any sort and i just think its pretty f ing badass so weather i needed it or not i would have still done it.... youll see ... its gonna be the tits!! :)
You said you were doing it mainly because your sons. They have no idea of what rooms are in the basement? They won't notice " hey that room is gone and dad built a book shelf". You dont think they are smart enough?

That's why I suggested a door. A good metal exterior door is not that expensive.

I just didn't think it would work for teenagers.

jimmy slim big

Well-Known Member
how did you get that from what i said?!?!? i already said my oldest knows and we had a talk about it and he knows no one but me and mom are to be down stairs.... my point is if say while im at work and he has an hour or so alone for some reason and he thinks " im gonna go look real quick before anyone gets home" but when he gets down stairs and cant seem to figure out how to actually get inside my room ... thats pretty much my point.... and to be honest i really dont understand your negativity dude ... really i mean idk ... again its badass either way and for you to nay say is kinda stupid... not trying to be a dick but im pretty excited about it so i dont understand why anyone would say anything other then " nice dude thats gonna be sweet as hell!"


Well-Known Member
how did you get that from what i said?!?!? i already said my oldest knows and we had a talk about it and he knows no one but me and mom are to be down stairs.... my point is if say while im at work and he has an hour or so alone for some reason and he thinks " im gonna go look real quick before anyone gets home" but when he gets down stairs and cant seem to figure out how to actually get inside my room ... thats pretty much my point.... and to be honest i really dont understand your negativity dude ... really i mean idk ... again its badass either way and for you to nay say is kinda stupid... not trying to be a dick but im pretty excited about it so i dont understand why anyone would say anything other then " nice dude thats gonna be sweet as hell!"
I'm not being negative. Just feed back. I think it will be cool. I got a couple ideas for hidden grow rooms.

Is it going to lock?

I thought a gun safe with back cut out bolted to the wall would be cool.


Active Member
so i did some work last night and have my opening for my "hidden door" im gonna finish it this weekend... just gotta get what i need to make my shelve with ;) heres some pics of before and after.... i started building the room 2 weeks ago and i havnt spent a dime yet!!! everything is all scrap from the job site ;) lol but hey thats the bennys of being a drywaller!! lol
I soooooooooo could have used that dadgum T SQUARE this last week, UGH, so many cuts that look like I did acid before I made the cut! Nice tool to have sir!


Active Member
I am making 3 secret doors in total I believe...I have only begun the first though...First one is going to be a 6 foot wooden locker type of closet that I cut the back off of, and then I am using a sliding door behind it to my veg room...The second will be behind a large mirror, and the third will be a fake stone wall covering the entire room up at the entrance...It has a 6 ft x 5 ft entrance and 2 stairs leading down into the room, I intend to cover the entire entrance up with the fake stone wall...There is shit little info on secret door construction out there so you really just need to get super baked and stare at it for a while, let the ideas trickle on in...cheers!


Well-Known Member
this hidden door use to be seamless untill the cops kicked it in. got my medi card 3 days after so i just left as is. still cant really tell. it keeps ma from asking questions. lol had to open the door for the pic



Well-Known Member
this hidden door use to be seamless untill the cops kicked it in. got my medi card 3 days after so i just left as is. still cant really tell. it keeps ma from asking questions. lol had to open the door for the pic
So the cops know that this was a secret door, ....?


Well-Known Member
i told them. they asked how to get down and i didnt want them tearing my house up. it was past playing dumb at that point


Well-Known Member
Despite our best efforts to hide an entrance, and know the laws about warrant searches regarding hidden rooms, all it takes is one pig to say he thinks he smells something, and they will do what it takes to keep you from destroying evidence. aka - road warriors will fucking find it unless it is seriously fucking hidden. This guy was making a shit ton of money, do you think he had the money to make a good hidden entrance? Yup, hidden. Did it really smell like weed, who fucking knows, but if the cop says it does, it does (at least that seems to stand in court)
I am sickened by this story.


Well-Known Member
Search warrant is only good for one room in the house

most ppl do not know this so they say yes u can look at the rest of the house is simple the cops want to come it
u go outside the house say i will stand here with u until the lawyer shows up then u can do your thing ........and i will video tape it as u are in my house and u no privacy as it is my land

or u can be like me have several gallons of highly flamable drink around ..........knock it over and set it on fire ..........they got nothing for charges

jimmy slim big

Well-Known Member
i did all that work building my room and now we will be movining the end of spring anyway.... hmm owell .... just thinking of the room im gonna be able to build .... its gonna be perfect!!!


Well-Known Member
Search warrant is only good for one room in the house

most ppl do not know this so they say yes u can look at the rest of the house is simple the cops want to come it
u go outside the house say i will stand here with u until the lawyer shows up then u can do your thing ........and i will video tape it as u are in my house and u no privacy as it is my land

or u can be like me have several gallons of highly flamable drink around ..........knock it over and set it on fire ..........they got nothing for charges
Arson? Curious if they could charge you if you own outright and have no insurance. If not criminal something or another conduct I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
not arson unless u file for the insurance is yours u own it u can do anything u want to it

this is house is 100% paid for and owned by my family (bank has nothing ) pay the land taxes

at most they might beable to charge me with is assult on police officer /atemped murder...............but the fact i yell fire removes that ..........and the fire dept reaction time for where i live is good 14 20 mins .........gas and moonshine /white gas/ propain/ paint stripper are just some of what is close ...behide me is 4 gallons of 140 proof moonshine in a big carboy

to get where i am they have to go tho 3 doors .........the times they like to raid is early morning .......i am up during those hours i got a shotgun loaded with a flamethrower round (dragons breath exotic ammo)

kick the carboy over .........pull the gun out of the case (by doing that it loads the gun ) fire .............they got nothing they can not charge me with anything .......... the house is far enough away from any other houses no possible chance for them to get caught on fire

if they raid my house i am done ........the laws in this state is 20 years automatically for growing and they can tack on 1 more year for each piece of equipment used in growing weed .........then i got moonshine still.......a assault shotgun that is illegal in this state plus to not thinking about the number of copyrights i have broken with my collection of movies and programs from the net

for me it is a all or nothing thing