Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg


Well-Known Member
Next time... I'm gone all day tomorrow at Comic Con, call me on the weekend, sorry I forgot to call you back, there was a lot going on


Well-Known Member
I had a friend over today and my wife's brother so I had them help me pick which seed to germinate from my Attitude order. I threw all 4 seeds in a hat and we each picked one, the remaining one being the one I'd start. The one I was hoping to save ended up being the last one, lol... hopefully in a few days I'll have a South African Kwazulu seedling :D


Well-Known Member
I had a friend over today and my wife's brother so I had them help me pick which seed to germinate from my Attitude order. I threw all 4 seeds in a hat and we each picked one, the remaining one being the one I'd start. The one I was hoping to save ended up being the last one, lol... hopefully in a few days I'll have a South African Kwazulu seedling :D
I hope that seedling cracks! I also through a few seeds in to germinate from my mystery bag, a just encase male spur happens.

Can't wait to see your Kwazulu! Just reminds me of the world cup vavazolas or whatever they're called. Haha.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha, me too! I hope it cracks soil, if not there goes $15, lol Good news on JH1, it was real perky today and lots of new green :D I think it's going to be ok...

I bought a replica Hattori Hanzo sword at Comic Con today, it's in my golf bag like Bills brother Budd, lol. I bought "The Brides" sword
hahahaha, me too! I hope it cracks soil, if not there goes $15, lol Good news on JH1, it was real perky today and lots of new green :D I think it's going to be ok...

I bought a replica Hattori Hanzo sword at Comic Con today, it's in my golf bag like Bills brother Budd, lol. I bought "The Brides" sword
nice u got to visit comic con
i was playing bfbc2 a lot before work picked back up in full swing, the game is seriously bad ass though. add me on xbl if you want gamertag: ballsagnaFTW probably wont be around my 360 for a few weeks, and not sure how much i will be playing it. i'd imagine now that i'm actually done setting up my grow and shit i will have time to sit around and play now when i'm at home.

can't wait to see the finished product, everything is looking pretty snazzy.
if u put in a pre order at gamestop for medal of honor u can get into the beta on 360, its better than COD and BF2 combined


Well-Known Member
Comic Con was badass but super packed, we left a bit earlier than usual but I had already bought everything I was and wasn't looking for, lol

Got my sword, The Tick season 1 & 2, 2 UFC figures, Tito and BJ Penn, $5ea, and a few small things :D If my wife wasn't there I could have easily spent all our money, hahaha

In order:


Wish I could say the attitude seeds have cracked soil but no luck yet.



Well-Known Member
The 3rd pic is JH2, I declared it dead weeks ago but it won't give up, if it gets long enough I might try cloning it and get rid of the stem.

thanks, Delilah looks pretty good compared to how she was when we got her :) hopefully she'll give us a decent yield, still waiting for her clones to root....


Well-Known Member
No roots yet? I got my bubble cloner finished and went and picked up net pots and neopreme inserts just ready for the cuttings. I got some Thrive Alive B-1 Red to use with the water in the cloner.

Know anything about the stuff?


Well-Known Member
Sorry man, I don't know much about that...

I see white things that look like they might be roots, but nothing convincing yet, they're still very green and healthy


Well-Known Member
Which ones? I only have room for 2 or 3 in my 12/12 room, my veg tent is full for now. I took a peak at Cole Train tonight and it should be cracking soil tomorrow :D


Well-Known Member
JH3, BMA and BMB should be ready to get topped in about a week. Hopefully those clones are rooted by then, if not I might just dump it try something else...


Well-Known Member
Cole Train and Rocklock broke through soil today, I'm hoping to see the South African Kwazulu by tomorrow afternoon or Tuesday morning.

I'm going to put the Cole Train and Rocklock straight into 12/12 in about 2 weeks since I know they're females (supposedly), I should know by then what JH1, 2, BMA and BMB are, I doubt they are all females