Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg

I already built a new list, I'm up to 100 lbs (or whatever the fuck it is) right now with 16 seeds total. If my first order comes in with no problems, I'll submit this order. I might change it until then, we'll see

Here are some pics of Delilahs babies on day 3 in my bubble cloner
did you say you made ur cloner? how much did it cost?


Well-Known Member
My friend (billcollector) helped me make it. I think it was a total of about $24. $17 in parts (tub, air pump, tubes and air stone) at Wal Mart and $7 for those foams from the hydro store. I used flat black paint that I had lying around to paint it because it was clear and that was pretty much it except for the $20 Clonex. If they root within the next 10 days I'll be ready to flower Delilah and clone my Jacks



Well-Known Member
It looks good, let's see some roots soon! You just running water in the cloner or something to help with root growth too?


Well-Known Member
I'm running regular tap water with 2 cups of the mix I use for watering (mild seedling nutes and ph balanced) then I added a drop of clonex and mixed it together. Then I dabbed some clonex on each clone and put them in. I heard I could use just plain tap water but I wanted to try and increase my chances so hopefully it works. I don't want to start flowering until I have a working cloner.


Well-Known Member
That would be best so I'm with you. I'm hoping for the best, I'm gonna copy everything youre doing if it works.


Well-Known Member
Anything to save fellow growers $$ :D

I wish I could start flowering now but my room will easily reach the 100 degree mark, it's hot as fuck outside today. My veg tent was running at 93, I had to turn off the small cfl's I added and open it up to let it vent


Well-Known Member
this fuckin heat sucks and it doesn't seem like it's going to change anytime soon, I might have to fire up the big tent with some cfl's in it and use that 6" inline fan (with the 600w off still) to ventilate it... I dont want my plants dying because of heat stress, I almost lost Edawg to heat, it was turning yellow, been nuturing it back to almost all green

Here are some pics, the first one is on the 10th, the last 2 are from today. Edawg is my wife's that she started from seed, that was pretty much all she did, lol


My friend (billcollector) helped me make it. I think it was a total of about $24. $17 in parts (tub, air pump, tubes and air stone) at Wal Mart and $7 for those foams from the hydro store. I used flat black paint that I had lying around to paint it because it was clear and that was pretty much it except for the $20 Clonex. If they root within the next 10 days I'll be ready to flower Delilah and clone my Jacks
nice ass cloner. theyll root i had a headband root in the fridge
yep it took 3 days it was off a fucked up 707 HB thats still vegn.this one right here as matter of fact. she was topped so weird and small that she split in half and is tied together if she still alive.


Well-Known Member
this fuckin heat sucks and it doesn't seem like it's going to change anytime soon, I might have to fire up the big tent with some cfl's in it and use that 6" inline fan (with the 600w off still) to ventilate it... I dont want my plants dying because of heat stress, I almost lost Edawg to heat, it was turning yellow, been nuturing it back to almost all green

Here are some pics, the first one is on the 10th, the last 2 are from today. Edawg is my wife's that she started from seed, that was pretty much all she did, lol
Why not just run lights at night man?? cheaper and cooler.


Well-Known Member
Why not just run lights at night man?? cheaper and cooler.
That would be a perfect scenario except both my tents are inside my master bedroom. My wife and I live in a 1br apartment and the inline fans are loud. The reason I'm running the lights 16/8 is because she works in the morning and sleeps during those 8 hours. I wish I could run it during the night but since the fans are so loud, I have to run them during the day. When I go 12/12 it will be on at 9am and off at 9pm. I think a portable AC unit is my only solution if I plan to run both tents during the summer...


Well-Known Member
Yea that's what I'm looking at on craigslist. There are a lot of the portable one's too for around $100