Secrets, Secrets are no fun. Unless they are for everyone :)


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FF to 1 minute, then 3:45, then 8:00


Read these words if you can't understand that guy...

Now, if you have $1 bill handy (not sure if that is possible with current gas prices) you may want to refer to it while I point out some of its many Masonic/Alchemic symbols. On the reverse side of the dollar bill, you will find the Great Seal of the United states, an eagle clutching an olive branch in its right claws, a bunch of arrows in its left. If you count them, there are 13 of each, as well as 13 stars in the symbol above the eagle's head. Though many claim the recurrence of 13 represents the original 13 American colonies, it is interesting to note that 13 is a number highly significant to both Masons and alchemists. Denominations of 13 appear several other times on the dollar bill (13 times on the back of the dollar bill, in fact), including in the image of the reverse side of the Great Seal - there are 13 layers of the pyramid beneath the eye capstone. Even more compelling, if you take the triangle shape of the pyramid, turn it upside down and superimpose it on the pyramid (you can do this with a pen or pencil), it forms a six-sided star, the recognizable Star of David symbol (Jewish cabbalism is tied closely with alchemy). Now, look at the letters adjacent to each point (excluding the pyramid cap part) of the star. They spell the word "mason". Coincidence? I don't think so. Now, on the front of the bill, in the upper right corner - this will take a magnifying glass - you may notice waht appears to be an owl perched on the concave part of the upper left corner of the crest. Owls traditionally represent vigilance and hidden knowledge. Last but not least, the phrase "In God We Trust" is in fact a masonic motto.

Even with all the cryptic symbols and occultic secrets, this still seems innocuous enough, right? Perhaps. But it must be noted that some historical accounts link the Masonic forerunners, the Knights Templar, to worshiping a severed head representative of Baphomet (possibly a horned demon or Satan himself). This may merely be anti-Templar propaganda of the time, but it is interesting that the number 13 is also associated with Baphomet. Another symbol for Baphomet, the skull and bones, is a mutual symbol for Yale's infamous "Order of Death" secret society. However, this could be coincidence, as the skull and bones is a common, archetypal symbol. One thing that is highly curious, is the striking similarity between the pose of a popular illustration of Baphomet and a statue of George Washington [see video example].

One other satanic/alchemical connection to all of this, is a subplot found in [Johann] Wolfgang von Goethe's classic "Faust". In the story, the Devil gains the favor of the king by revealing to him the alchemical secret of the "Philospher's Stone". The secret? How to control the masses by making them believe in the illusion of printed paper money.

Paid in full.

honestly i'm sick to tears or all this illuminati crap (i know GROWN people who threw out decades worth of cds over it :roll:)

the typing it backwards into the search engine is a new one to me, but really i just think someone is having fun with the interwebs. best troll ever, really.

the illuminati have small penises and rape small children. they also have weak handshakes. there, i said it. and i'm still here...
honestly i'm sick to tears or all this illuminati crap (i know GROWN people who threw out decades worth of cds over it :roll:)

the typing it backwards into the search engine is a new one to me, but really i just think someone is having fun with the interwebs. best troll ever, really.

the illuminati have small penises and rape small children. they also have weak handshakes. there, i said it. and i'm still here...

I'm not sure you understand.
It's not the "KGB"

The don't care about insults, or slander, and the Illuminati backwards thing, isn't even really about typing it backwards :lol: It's about other stuff, AND that :)
Im hoping that during the victorias secret show one of the models with extended labia will have a lip slip and we will be able to see some unintentional exposure
I'm not sure you understand.
It's not the "KGB"

The don't care about insults, or slander, and the Illuminati backwards thing, isn't even really about typing it backwards :lol: It's about other stuff, AND that :)

surely they have the reach to crush me like a bug for dragging their good name through the mud. i'm mocking them publicly. their silence proves their fear of me. bunch of bitchy little girls who try to be deep with their stupid little symbols and hidden bullshit. i think all the secrecy is just a cover for the fact that they are all pussies, like the wizard of oz. actually, i'm more afraid of the wizard of oz.
A man in my country was bestowed the title knight of St.Andrew which was the highest title or what ever that could be bestowed to a person or something like that at a recent memorial type thing. So now he goes by the name Jon doe knight of St.andrew as his official title like 'sir Jon doe', is it a coincidence that 'knight of St.Andrew' is pretty far up that 'mapping' with the structure of the masons...I think not.
Another thing, in my country if you have a government job, the retirement age is 65 so if you worked for 20 yrs but reached 65 you can rightfully retire with a decent pension if not appointed etc. OR you can retire after putting in '33 1/3' years (sound familiar) regardless of age and get a nice pension even if not appointed.
your nuts, you smoke way too much.
seriously, people create conspiracies to give spice to their lives.
Personally my step grandfather was a free mason, and he did alot of good in his life.
people just fucking think this kind of shit because their lives are so mundane, and they want to be a part of something greater.
just leave the conspiracy shit alone, really.
..its a capitalist world (more or less)

capitalism = survival of the fittest (those who can, take.)

that means, everything is a competition.

we pretend to have rules, but we only follow them when we really have to (the stakes are so high)

so yes, everything is a big conspiracy, scam after scam.

its life.

we just havent evolved further.
Everything isn't a conspiracy.

And this isn't "People making things up." And stupid shit to spice up their lives.

ALL that shit is in the dollar bill.

And it doesn't MATTER is some of them do good, or if some good shit goes down because of them. They can not stand. They are breeding CEO's and hiring their own.

There IS NOT supposed to be secret organizations of KING'S OR LEADERS doing ANYTHING in America.
The people are supposed to have free access to ALL knowledge.
I just read on wiki that an emperor is more 'noble' than a king. theres only one emperor left in the whole world but many kings and queens...coincidence...u tell me.
I just read on wiki that an emperor is more 'noble' than a king. theres only one emperor left in the whole world but many kings and queens...coincidence...u tell me.
A king rules only a nation or kingdom, an Emperor controls, and builds an Empire.

An Emperor is more equal to the "United Nations" than he is to a king :)

I don't want to read this because I've seen it all before.

I don't want to believe any of it but I watched a video 5 years ago that was 15 years old explaining all this shit along with a timeline and things in accordance with the book of revelation. I tried not to pay too much attention but over the years I keep seeing stuff in the news and I know 'I heard this would happen before'.

It makes me immensely uncomfortable and depressed knowing what is coming. You all joke about it but it very soon will not be funny.

And I'm the one telling you guys not to be paranoid all the time.
I don't think it matters what you believe as far as conspiracy theories go, just be prepared for the inevitable fall of society and you should be more or less covered for any event.
I wouldn't call it paranoia but more fascination, that all this crazy shits' really going on and I have to go a fucking 9-5.

I don't want to read this because I've seen it all before.

I don't want to believe any of it but I watched a video 5 years ago that was 15 years old explaining all this shit along with a timeline and things in accordance with the book of revelation. I tried not to pay too much attention but over the years I keep seeing stuff in the news and I know 'I heard this would happen before'.

It makes me immensely uncomfortable and depressed knowing what is coming. You all joke about it but it very soon will not be funny.

And I'm the one telling you guys not to be paranoid all the time.

Exactly, Christian's put a CRAZY spin on it, they think anything with horns, and promoting fertility is automatically "Satan". (America comes from Puritan's)

But these people are REALLY following tradition, and doing CRAZY shit, but the main point of ALL of it, is that THEY ARE A BROTHERHOOD.

THAT'S the problem.

The people that run our countries, our states, major banks, and major companies, are following "ancient" tradition. And helping each other.
It's not "Bad", but it is NO GOOD for the American people.

They are trying to GET ALL THE MONEY. Think...Modern formation of a Jewish group...
You know how everyone is like "The Jew's have been hording money...Or...Jew's are 'good with money'." Jewish law, jewish tradition. They are a BROTHERHOOD, they have spead around the world, and have placed roots in various countries, and are now very important to those countries economy.
Look at all the Jewish directors/producers/writers/comedians, they have a perspective that is "inside their culture", which makes them "outside" the culture of any country they live in :) So they get to be "The boy on the street corner telling everyone 'The emperor is wearing no clothes'."

THAT'S what the free Mason's are. Except they are ONLY in a SMALL part of Europe, and in America, maybe Canada.
AND they aren't as old of an organization. So they are sharing their wealth within a MUCH MUCH smaller group of people.
So it makes the scales of the countries they live in tip in their favor like 99% to 1%, so they are the Emperor, and we must show that he is naked... GET IT URCA?...