Section 8 housing question?


hey there everyone, well i had a little grow going at my old house until the police took my plants..
anyways i just got my card and im able to grow now, my only other concern is section 8, does anyone know if there is any kinda of restrictions on that?? that would be bogus.. i really wanna get some seeds sprouted again asap:)
Section 8 housing is housing with part of the rent paid for by the gov and/or state. If you grow and get caught expect to be evicted and maybe even jail/fines as they are ALL very strict on that. Don't think so? Here's an article on a lady who was to be evicted just for her SONS drug offense. Don't risk it...

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) - Sandy Douglas said she has no idea where she will be living after this week. Douglas, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, and her 11-year old daughter won't be able to afford the apartment they've lived in for several years. They've lost their government housing subsidy, commonly called a Section 8 grant after the part of the law that created it.

They lost it because of what Douglas' 20-year-old son did.

He was convicted of cocaine posession. Because he was on the lease for her apartment, the Grand Rapids Housing Commission - which administered her rent subsidy - revoked it because her son was busted for drugs.

"I kept saying, 'I'm not responsible for my son. He's 20,'" Douglas told Target 8 investigators.

But the Housing Commission takes a hard line on drug offenses. "Anybody on the lease, if caught, would automatically be terminated," Director Carlos Sanchez said. "We are mandated by the federal government not to serve people involved in drug-related activity."

But the issue of fairness has been raised across the country. Some have suggested that ending rent supplements for entire households related to someone busted for drugs amounts to a kind of guilt-by-association.

"I told them it wasn't fair," Douglas said. "It's not right."

She said her son was busted somewhere else in the city and was only living with her part of the time.

But the Grand Rapids Housing Commission chose to take a hard line that wipes out the rent subsidy for the entire household. "To us it is the household," said Sanchez.

Here you go, here is something from Americans for Safe Access, basically it's a big no-no to them and there have been 1 Supreme Court Case and 1 9th circuit court of appeals that reinforce the decision.
Medical Marijuana Patients & HUD Rental Assistance Programs (Section 8 & privately owned federally-subsidized)

If you are a medical marijuana patient and reside in Section 8 housing, or another Housing and Urban Development (HUD) assistance program, you are not allowed to cultivate, possess or medicate in your residence. Although valid California medical marijuana patients are allowed to possess and cultivate marijuana in accordance with their county guidelines, HUD programs receive federal funding and have to adhere to federal marijuana laws as a result. This means that anything relating to marijuana poses a very serious risk to patients residing in housing that must comply with HUD regulations. For this reason, patients should not cultivate and should try very hard to avoid possessing and even medicating while in their residence. If you have to medicate in your residence because of your condition, try to use only edibles and/or a vaporizer as opposed to smoking. HUD regulations allow a landlord to evict you for any activity related to any controlled substance, including medical marijuana. In 2002, the US Supreme Court upheld this decision, allowing landlords to evict public housing tenants for "any drug-related criminal activity on or off such premises, by any member of the tenant's household, or any guest or other person under the tenant's control," in Department of Housing and Urban Development v. Rucker. And, in March 2008, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reinforced this decision by upholding a HUD-run Housing Authority's ability to evict patients for medical marijuana related reasons in Assenberg v. Anacortes Housing Authority.​
Lol seriously I wouldn't even think about this. Your talking about growing medicinal marijuana legalized by the STATE in a house partially funded by the FEDS. They don't give a shit.

States are like that brother who didn't get to become king after dad died.
Lol seriously I wouldn't even think about this. Your talking about growing medicinal marijuana legalized by the STATE in a house partially funded by the FEDS. They don't give a shit.

States are like that brother who didn't get to become king after dad died.

Well, I'll bet I'm not your average member. I was directed here because of a Google search that I did on Section 8 housing. I'm 66 years old and first smoked pot in around 1965. Still do but not very often as it's a social drug and all of my friends have quit or died. Also smoked opium a few times(better than breathing air after drowning), lots of LSD, mushrooms, cocaine and a little meth(fortunately I hate speedy drugs so the last two were not often).

Been a licensed California Building Contactor since 1982 and I'm still my own main work force. Basicly took my retirement in my late 20's and early 30's by being mimimally employed and beeing a beach bum.

Most of this posting is directed at the OP who wrote:

"hey there everyone, well i had a little grow going at my old house until the police took my plants..
anyways i just got my card and im able to grow now, my only other concern is section 8, does anyone know if there is any kinda of restrictions on that?? that would be bogus.. i really wanna get some seeds sprouted again asap

You're the reason people hate welfare recipients in general and aren't too fond of section 8 either. I hate to sound like old people when I was younger but "get a job". Don't be so lame that the police are after you. While I was wasting my youth(and loving it) I paid my own way. Sort of like the difference between a Depression era hobo who work at odd jobs(me) and a bum who asked for hand outs(you).

To DrLg: States are actually like the rightfull King in the "Man in the iron mask" who was imprisoned by his evil brother(the Fed). Personal pot use is a State issue if you believe in the Constitution. :leaf:
Well, I'll bet I'm not your average member. I was directed here because of a Google search that I did on Section 8 housing. I'm 66 years old and first smoked pot in around 1965. Still do but not very often as it's a social drug and all of my friends have quit or died. Also smoked opium a few times(better than breathing air after drowning), lots of LSD, mushrooms, cocaine and a little meth(fortunately I hate speedy drugs so the last two were not often).

Been a licensed California Building Contactor since 1982 and I'm still my own main work force. Basicly took my retirement in my late 20's and early 30's by being mimimally employed and beeing a beach bum.

Most of this posting is directed at the OP who wrote:

"hey there everyone, well i had a little grow going at my old house until the police took my plants..
anyways i just got my card and im able to grow now, my only other concern is section 8, does anyone know if there is any kinda of restrictions on that?? that would be bogus.. i really wanna get some seeds sprouted again asap

You're the reason people hate welfare recipients in general and aren't too fond of section 8 either. I hate to sound like old people when I was younger but "get a job". Don't be so lame that the police are after you. While I was wasting my youth(and loving it) I paid my own way. Sort of like the difference between a Depression era hobo who work at odd jobs(me) and a bum who asked for hand outs(you).

To DrLg: States are actually like the rightfull King in the "Man in the iron mask" who was imprisoned by his evil brother(the Fed). Personal pot use is a State issue if you believe in the Constitution. :leaf:

you make assumptions that people receiving housing assistance are lazy and criminal. given your claim to be 66 years old, this is about as ignorant a post as i've ever seen. you have no way of knowing whether this person is sick and disabled, in need of housing because of things beyond her/his control. many people receiving housing assistance are working full time. too bad employers (think walmart) are allowed to pay so little for labor that the laborer can work full time and still not have enough to cover expenses. growing one's own medicine is one way to save money, and certainly points to the opposite of your lame assumption ... it's not lazy to put the time and effort into growing one's own medicine.

people who hate welfare recipients are, by and large, much like you : ignorant, hateful, judgmental, and generally live in a bubble of their own superiority complex.

get over yourself and look around you. calling someone willing to grow her/his own medicine 'lazy' because that someone needs housing assistance is just stupid. if you have any idea the hoops a person must leap through to receive assistance, you would know that very few would do such a thing out of laziness.
Subarbangeorge you're the reason people hate old conservative douchebags. Your opinions are ridiculous and full of asinine assumptions. To boot your "facts" are bullshit too

you don't know if the OP is disabled do you?

I live in a medical state and the section 8 dilemma is playing out here. The state tried to evict a MMJ patient for his personal and legal grow. The ACLU got involved and he's still in housing. The Feds have left that decision to the state seeing as how they manage their program.

I hope you build homes better than you research or use any ability to reason
But soonercare and Medicaid Medicare market place all government paid and if you have that kind of insurance you only have to pay 20$ and the ins pays the rest! That's why it's confusing to understand why living in gov housing is different then government ins assistance where they help pay for your medical marijuana card. I'm curious too
I own properties and often deal with this issue. Basically the programs say that federal law trumps local law when it comes to marijuana. If people are caught growing in my properties they can and have been evicted. Normally we go after them from a different angle though because it's just easier to evict somebody because of smoking. 99% of them smoke in their units so that is the easiest way to get rid of them. I don't shed any tears for them though because often times they are not paying for their own electricity. Why the hell should tax payers being flipping the bill for some punk to use their money to grow weed with? More times then not they sell their weed and abuse the help they have been given by tax payers. Also it is against regulations for them to run businesses out of the units so caregiving is also not allowed.
What I don't do is call the cops. This is a contract issue and not a criminal one. If you want to accept help from your fellow citizens and hopefully work your way out of the system then you must accept that you can't do certain things. The added cost to turn a unit after a grower who is smoking in their unit is in the thousands of dollars.

*holy shit this is old*
That's your opinion n the way you do your properties. But apparently you don't know that people that reside in government housing also have tax jobs in which do pay their taxes so you'd think they will be able to grow their own weed regardless of where they live. But isn't there a bill being put in place not 100% sure but it's called the Norton act or something along those lines by I believe her name is Democratic Eleanor Norton. But I'll start another tread and see if times has changed abd see what we get!
It’s not an opinion, it’s the law. Federal law says it’s still illegal. Now section 8 is a loose term and many people use it not understanding the different programs but the only ones that would not be federal are local housing state authorities who issue a voucher to a person who then uses it at a non rd, hud, lihtc property in which case the federal law wouldn’t make a difference.
i would say less then 5% of my residents are people working jobs trying to make more of their life. The rest are lying pieces of shit who are working the system, driving 45k cars living in government housing. Now personally I don’t care, I get my check and there is no system I place that allows me to do anything about it anyway, but unless you see this day in day out you have no idea. I see people being subsidized who move into homes they buy that half the people on this forum couldn’t afford.
All the people I see trying to grow in their units are the same pieces of shit who sell their kids adhd meds. Riddle me this Batman, how can three generations all have ptsd?
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Just wanted to add that so many of the people I see living in government housing are lazy. Working one barely full time job at Walmart is lazy. Used to be that people wanted to make more of themselves and give more to their kids. They would work 3 jobs, go to night school and put in 5 years to make it. Very hard work. But these days they are lazy. Work one job go home and watch every season of zombie USA on netflix. And just because you have a disability doesn’t mean you can’t work. They are lazy and content.Americans these days have the bar so low they don’t even know what lazy is
Wow n no wonder the us is fudged. The opinions of this site is judgemental I'm deleting this site from my phone best of luck t you all. Judgement day isn't going t b good for people like this. Merry Christmas!
It’s reality. Like I said, there are people working hard, down on their luck, but not the majority. Judgement day is great for me baby, I’m housing them, and do more for the homeless then you are.