Security on Cruise Ships


Well-Known Member
So how did it go?

For future reference this worked for me and my girlfriend at the time:

She took a maxipad and cut it, took out the inside, put 5 rolled joints in there and sealed it back up. Then she wore it through the security checkpoint. It was relatively easy, there was much less security than an airport. I saw no dogs or drug sniffing devices. This was in 2009. Going again in March, but undecided about bringing any this time.

We smoked mostly in the bathroom of our suite with the fan on. Nobody ever said a word to us. Don't forget housekeeping gets pretty nice tips on cruises. =)


Well-Known Member
went on a carnival cruise with my wife. She did more or less the same thing. They aren't going to grab your where the sun don't shine unless you've given them sufficient reason. We brought about an 1/8 for a 5 day cruise. Smoked into the vent in the bathroom, covered with perfume when finished. It was a carnival cruise (Triumph - total piece of shit boat compared to Royal Caribbean). Still fun to be on the "high" seas though. In terms of sneaking shit on the boat ... works great for pouring out a 16-20 oz soda, filling it up with booze, then recapping it to make it look sealed. We also brought 60 oz of rum. Zero bar tab makes for a cheap cruise!