See any problems? 1st Crop [8 pictures]


Active Member
Hey folks...

Really appreciate everyone helping everyone here. I hope to be able to do the same someday, after becoming a bit more experienced...

Anyway - maybe you can take a look at my four babies... see if you see any issues. This is my first crop ever.

They are roughly 6 weeks old now, were planted in store-bought Compo soil, watered with nothing but distilled water so far. No nutrients added to date, aside from what was already in the soil (supposedly good for the first 6 weeks). Also, lighting is a 600w MH for the past 4 weeks. The first 2 weeks were just with whatever lamps I had around the house. There are four plants total, each picture is numbered.

Only issue I think I might have run into so far was initially some heat problems from the first lights I used before I had the right setup, and maybe a bit of nutrient burn from the soil. :neutral:

Do you see anything else I should address? Thanks for taking a look! :hug:




Active Member
Also, when can I expect to sex these babies?

First week or two of flowering is kinda what I remember reading, but I'm not sure. I keep looking every day but can't find sh!t to indicate their sex.

Thanks again for your help.


Well-Known Member
Also, when can I expect to sex these babies?

First week or two of flowering is kinda what I remember reading, but I'm not sure. I keep looking every day but can't find sh!t to indicate their sex.

Thanks again for your help.

sometimes plants will show preflowers during veg growth.. this isnt always a for sure thing... so dont sweat it if you dont see them... it usually is the first couple weeks of flowering before you will see signs of sex... so whenever you decide to start 12/12 is when youll for sure start seeing signs of sex..

plants look healthy.. i would DEF start adding nutes.. for 6 weeks they are small... and stretched a little.. i would venture to guess you could move your light a lot closer to them... basically as close as you can without burning them... keep a fan blowing to help with heat and allow them to stay closer without problems...

other than the stretching though you dont seem to have any problems.. plants look good for what youve done so far... just start feeding some nutes and get the light closer and youll be in set..

good luck


Active Member
sometimes plants will show preflowers during veg growth.. this isnt always a for sure thing... so dont sweat it if you dont see them... it usually is the first couple weeks of flowering before you will see signs of sex... so whenever you decide to start 12/12 is when youll for sure start seeing signs of sex..

plants look healthy.. i would DEF start adding nutes.. for 6 weeks they are small... and stretched a little.. i would venture to guess you could move your light a lot closer to them... basically as close as you can without burning them... keep a fan blowing to help with heat and allow them to stay closer without problems...

other than the stretching though you dont seem to have any problems.. plants look good for what youve done so far... just start feeding some nutes and get the light closer and youll be in set..

good luck
That's what I thought on sexing plants. I kind of remember reading something along those lines somewhere... Thanks for clearing that up.

Also - I appreciate you taking a look. Glad they look good... I'm hoping they'll stay that way.

I just picked up some hardware store bought liquid nutrients, high in Nitrogen, which is what I heard is needed the most in the vegetative state for growth. Later on I need more Potassium?, whatever the P stands for in NPK, right?

I just checked out your grow log. Jesus! Impressive! I just started one up so I can keep track of my own little farm as well...



Well-Known Member
looking good. i also would say move the light closer and put a fan blowing on the plants to strengthen them up. you dont want a gail force on them just a breeze so they wobble a bit. this will help them stiffen up