I suppose this should be in the political board but whatever.First off to medicinaluseonly, I've been thinking about that same thing that you quoted yourself on. This planet has too many people to ever hope to reform. I feel the only way this world will ever be better is a fresh start to say i.e. mass extinction lol. Imagine the lives of humans if we slowly started shutting down the regions (power plants, manufacturing plants, waste process plants, etc.) of the world and people stopped having children, until only about 500 million were left. Imagine what glorious lives these people could live. Everyone having been super educated in a certain field and every so many years have to dedicate their lives to it (power plants, manufacturing plants, waste process plants, etc.). So everyone does their part... ahhh it'd be nice, of course it'd never work out that way.
Secondly I think one reason they don't legalize bud is because, like stated earlier, they can't control it. Also if its legalized many kids would try and even possibly start to smoke, that normally would never in the first place, and you have to admit it, there are people who shouldn't smoke. Just like there are people that shouldn't drink. Hell no one should drink, that shit just fucks you up. Favorite quote from this board, "What is the difference between a drunk driver and a stoned driver? A drunk will go right through a stop sign, and a pothead will stop and wait for it to turn green."