Seed bank and shop have change flowering times. Wtf?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, just to clarify, sunk 1 is 60 days. Thats what websites said, and seed bank and packet, was just browsing the now and sensi, and seed shop have change flowering times to 45-50days. My book, the bible, says 60 days and others Ive spoke to suggest the same.
WHAT GOING ON? iS THERE A CONSPIRSY???Anyone else seen this???
Im sure its said 60 days and my book and packet say 60 days. I mean theres some prime seeds that are Indica dom crosses,,103 pounds 45-50days flower and the sunk is 18 pounds and it says 45-50, so that makes now sense,
Anyhow take it easy and please say Im not crazy...


Well-Known Member
Yes, my sunk1 says 60days my grow book gives sunk1 as an example and say 60days,,,yet sensi and the seed shop I got them from now say 45-50days.

How can this be??


Well-Known Member
i didnt understand shit in what he wrote.
Well you need to either, go back to school, or maybe not read when your high!!! haha,

. I know that plants mature depending on the envrioment they are growing In, but I just wanted to know If anyone else has noticed this?. It Is 60 days on the packet yet now all the websites say 45-50days. Is it them just trying to sell more seeds, are they just lying,or have they devolped the strain to make it finish earlier.
Has anyone seen this or is it just my mind??

Take it easy..
doesn't really matter to much, and i'll tell you why......diff temp's, diff watts of light, diff fert's, all play a part....i would look at the website info as a rule of thumb.
i dont know anyone here, that pulls on a exact may have a day marked on a calander,but that dont mean shit...the plant will tell you when its ready....
example. most of the sites i look at that have northern #1 all say round 8 weeks or so....i pretty much always let them go over, there never ready when they say...this could be a ploy to sell more seeds.....or maybee they are using diff shit
yea wondering the same kinda...I saw papaya was listed on nirvanas site as a 7-9 flower and on attitude from nirvana the same people the same strain/seeds listed 8-11 flower wtf is up with that its a pretty big difference...and down the line comes from the same people. attitude is just a middle man