seed beeders Q?


Well-Known Member
so i saw the whole

F1 Hybrid– When two separate stable/homogeneous parent plants are used.
F1– To create an F1 you need parents from two non-related lines, once combined you have the F1 generation.
F2– When you cross two of the same F1 hybrid (inbreed), this is called the F2 generation.
F3– Third filial generation.
F7– Seventh filial generation.
S1– First generation “self” pollenated seeds, take a plant, reverse it so it makes male pollen, take that pollen and pollenate the plant. Seeds should all be female.
IBL– Inbred Line, is a genetically homogeneous strain that grows uniformly from seed. A hybrid is a strain made up of two genetically unlike parents, IBL or hybrid. When you cross two different IBL strains for the FIRST time, it is called the F1 generation.
Reversed Male– Female plant that has been turned male and carries extra “Y” pollen.
BX1– Backcrossed – When you cross back to one of the parents to stabilize genetics of the parent.
BX3 – A third backcross to stabilize the desired parental genetic traits.
Backcross– Taking a plant from any generation and going back to one of the original parents.
Pheno– This is the “outward, physical manifestation” of the organism. These are the physical parts, the sum of the atoms, molecules, macromolecules, cells, structures, metabolism, energy utilization, tissues, organs, reflexes and behaviors; anything that is part of the observable structure, function or behavior of a living organism.
RVSD– Reversed

so i got x2 fem beans... blueberry and purp maroc..... i reversed the fem plant to make pollen and crossed it over the purp to blue(not inbreed)..... what are they f1 ..or s1 seeds? or am im just still noob and need to read more

i got some normal seeds (gdp)... can i take a blueberry fem and take a male of the other and then would work the seeds from f1 to that correct?

thank you for any help im all fucked up
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don't forget your P1 (plants used to make the F1)

It's not advised to breed with selfed or revered genetics… If you are wanting to build a solid like I would start with a GDP male crossed to your females.
don't forget your P1 (plants used to make the F1)

It's not advised to breed with selfed or revered genetics… If you are wanting to build a solid like I would start with a GDP male crossed to your females.

ok this is what i thought i should of done ty for input this is what i needed

F1 (could call it R1 but kind of pointless)
Yes, you are, and yes you should
Yes you can.

thanks :) im here to learn
So all offsprings from F1 hybrid would be F1? Or do breeders consider the keeper more stable phenotype of the cross an F1? I've heard a couple of breeders use the term F1 when they find a keeper. Is the term being wrongfully used?

Thanks guys ✌️
one more Q , what about when I used 2 unstable poly-hybrid, a male and a female, it wouldnt create a new F1? and what about 1 IBL X 1 polyhybrid F1?

for exemple, I have a RESPECT (IBL?) X CHEMO (IBL) which I call CRISCO, now I used a male CRISCO on an IBL Ancient OG to create a new line of seeds called SUPER GOOD, out of the SUPER GOOD batch of seeds I found a super keeper that was eventually pollinated by a random male from the SUPER GOOD batch of seeds, are those seeds going to be F1 now or F2 or neither since its too all over the place^?

so i got x2 fem beans... blueberry and purp maroc..... i reversed the fem plant to make pollen and crossed it over the purp to blue(not inbreed)..... what are they f1 ..or s1 seeds? or am im just still noob and need to read more

i got some normal seeds (gdp)... can i take a blueberry fem and take a male of the other and then would work the seeds from f1 to that correct?

thank you for any help im all fucked up

I believe the forced herm (Purp Maroc) will create feminized beans, whether selfed or chucked onto a neighboring plant (Blueberry). So you wouldn't be able to breed them down sequential filial generations since no true males will come from the beans. Just my understanding, but I'm no cannabis scientist, just an enthusiast. Good luck hunting!
I believe the forced herm (Purp Maroc) will create feminized beans, whether selfed or chucked onto a neighboring plant (Blueberry). So you wouldn't be able to breed them down sequential filial generations since no true males will come from the beans. Just my understanding, but I'm no cannabis scientist, just an enthusiast. Good luck hunting!

very good info this is what i thought as well so im going a diffrent rout on it now working on a new set :)
F1 (could call it R1 but kind of pointless)
Yes, you are, and yes you should
Yes you can.
don't forget your P1 (plants used to make the F1)

It's not advised to breed with selfed or revered genetics… If you are wanting to build a solid like I would start with a GDP male crossed to your females.

so once i take a male pollen to female make the f1 seeds work them by continuing to cross the male to fem and once stable to likeing...

would u just revers pollen the fems only.. would that make em all into fem seeds once again? or S1

is this correct?
don't do Fem… so you're asking the wrong guy… why would you want fem seeds if you're wanting to breed?