seed boutique


Well-Known Member
Is this company good to the us? They are only place I can find resevoir seed. If they are no good does anyone know a good place for resevoir seeds


Active Member for resevoir seeds
As far as I know, there are only two places.
Seed Boutique & Seedbay.
Seedbay: Reservoir

I check often for Sour D to be back in stock. I don't want to settle for the Alpha.
Check over at icmag, his forums are hosted there, as Subcool is here.
Look in the vendor section.


Active Member
hi everyone~
Seed Boutique got my order with cash last friday (100% sure) , I've emailed 3 times ask for them to tell me when they started to ship ... and I still don't know it .
I can't check my order online because of paying cash ..
anyone happend before ?


Well-Known Member
tisk tisk tisk... cash in my book, is a No-No. But hey, sometimes that's the only option some ppl see as best. Next time, do a prepaid credit card.


Well-Known Member
niether.. use a cc . because if you dont get it , you can dispute it and not have to pay.. if someone happens steal from it you dispute it and still not out of pocket .these places know that and always send the goods, prepaid may be the same way, but doubt it. cash is jus to easy to fck ya. hope you get it though.. i've sent cash for beans before, awhile bak and got them..if you send cash , go to rhino seeds or attitude seeds, youll get your beans.


Well-Known Member
I was tempted to order from them before but chose attitude instead. I hope someone says they have recently ordered from seed boutique and was satisfied with their service. Always good to have options.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I got some Strawbery Desil, actually the DSD. It came really quick. Got to cali from the uk within 2 weeks. I think that is enough time for them to come through. I don't get it when it takes 6 months for a company to get you the seeds.

They are the only place to get Res gear. Go for it though. Get it off seed boutique if you can, so you don;t have to deal with the auction shit.

They hook you up with free seeds too. I got 5 free ThaiXskunk no. 1


Well-Known Member
seed botique looks badass , prices are 25% cheaper than anyone, also thier in the uk, making it even better. uk mail is rarely fooled with. i i done about 30 clones last nite of bluemoonshine but imay a find a couple of crosses to have put up for future stains.... Happy Halloweenie,haha... i never heard neg rep on them .


Well-Known Member
nute sensitive ,use least amnts every other watering, use refill jug water from town for best results.let it get near dry before watering seeing it over waters easily , jus to where it barely coming out the bottom.. the reward for the trouble is the best pot you will ever smoke, thc cotent avg.22%..the zombie weed. strong during flowering need lots of odor cotrol. you can smell it on your person wen you walk into the room before you pullit out. 500.00 oz weed all day long. . i'm doing 30 clones of it now . chk out my journal.hope its imformative for you.


Well-Known Member
yeah they are much cheaper, even more so than Attitude...but how reliable is their shipping? ...thats the question.


Active Member
I've made about 5 orders from seed botique and usually get them in 5-7 business days to the midwest. Waiting on my last order though has been 12 days starting to think homeland might of gotten this one and I might have to find a new safe address. I'd still recomend them to anyone though they notify when they ship and always include freebies.


Well-Known Member
Why are their prices cheaper in USD that in UK pounds???? thats awkward.
I even used a currency converter, and if you set Seed Boutique on US currency, its slightly cheaper by about a couple dollars on some strains.


Well-Known Member
ive had orders come in 10 days, some 16 days, some 4 days,all diff. seed comp, some the same. .. all from uk.. thanx for the comment on the reliablity of these guys,


Active Member
i ordered 2 weeks ago from seed boutique super silver haze, w rhino, g13 x hash plant. hope to c em soon