Seed Boutique

Hazy Head

Have you ordered from Seed Boutique? how was the shipping time? Was the package stealth at all?Did you use your CC to purchase?....I've been wanting to order from them for a while but haven't really seen any feedback from people using them..I'll also be using a CC so please give feedback if you've done so, thanks



Well-Known Member
This is Gypsy's newer site as SeedsDirect is no longer operating. Between the two sites and over the course of 10 years, I know of about 10+ orders that were placed. All of which went flawlessly. To answer your specific questions:

how was the shipping time? The shipping time is longer if you send your payment via mail. When a CC is used, 1-2 weeks shipping time can be expected. They'll also send you multiple emails letting you know your order has been received, packed and shipped.
Was the package stealth at all? Not as stealth as when SeedsDirect was operating, but your order will certainly be discrete enough to get to you.
Did you use your CC to purchase?
Yes. I don't suggest using your own. Find a way to pay that is safe and legal for you.

I'm a big fan of Gypsy. He delivers.


Active Member
try using a visa gift card. go to a currency exchange or other place they sell them, hand them cash and order your seeds. thats what id do cause im super paranoid but dont like waiting :p


Well-Known Member
bad expierience with gypsy first time i ever ordered. bad customer service and he tried making me look like the fool. this was when he was under the name seeds direct and overgrow was up. i would not recomend buying from him. he has been caught in so many lies in the past... thats all im going to say.