Seed doesn't want to germinate, what to try?


Well-Known Member
Hi, so 3 days ago I planted 1x Ortega Indica and 1x Lilly by ACE seeds (Delicatessen)

Orega is coming out but I saw no activity on Lilly, so I diged it out and found it hasn't even popped, it looks like new, but no tail coming out, nothing.

I germinate everything on Jiffy Pellets.

What should I try now? I sow it on Apr 3.


Well-Known Member
That is the reason that I like the paper towel method, it could still come through but ,the first through are all ways the front runners.its all ways the best that come through, but don't give up on it yet, it might pop at some point,I normally give them a week max,if they ain't popped by then they normally don't.


Well-Known Member
Good,it means that moisture has all ready entered the seed it should sprout soon paper towel then plugs


Well-Known Member
So, I checked the paper towel this morning and the seed has cracked and has a visible white part, so I'm going to wait until the tail comes out then I will transfer to the jiffy. Thanks


Well-Known Member
So, I checked the paper towel this morning and the seed has cracked and has a visible white part, so I'm going to wait until the tail comes out then I will transfer to the jiffy. Thanks
Transfer to jiffy asap!
But the tail is not out yet, I just saw that it cracked and with my jeweler's lupe I saw the white stuff and even some green from the leaves. But to the naked eye this was not very visible.

Should I wait?
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Well-Known Member
I think you should stop handling the seed so much, plant it and see what happens. Patience is a practice.


Well-Known Member
Hello I've planted the seed 5 days ago but it's having very little activity, I checked it 2 days ago and it has a growing root and looks good except that it hasn't popped out of the soil.

Everything OK?

It's just taking unusually long.


Well-Known Member
The question is... what can digging around and "checking" on the seed actually do to help it germinate? Well nothing :(

So don't fuck with the seeds!

You know the environment is right because the other one popped. So it's just a question of waiting. It can take 2 weeks. Until then try to have patience.