Seed Germ wait game question.


Well-Known Member
So yeah .Just germed 3 seeds .. Kc Brains northern lights special , DNA la confidential and a good Bag seed . used the paper towel method .The bag seed and La con are doing very well .I planted them and have broken the surface .
But the northern light hasn't done much . I ve had a lot of success with this packet of NL and is my last seed. .the seed looks fantastic ,and had been saving it .
So my question is how long do I wait ? before discarding .. I started germ on the 25th .planted on the 28th . like I said the other two are doing well .but nothing from the NL.

I as really banking on that NL as its my only fem'ed in t bunch
Thanks all

OH and I didn't mention the LA con looks to be twins . the seed looked like two seeds joined . Germed two tap roots , and is showing two baby stocks.pretty cool


Well-Known Member
You know what women can be like for taking their time, she's probably just not ready yet. Give her a few more days before writing off.


Well-Known Member
Give it a full 2 weeks before thinking it won't work -- I've had seeds germ in 3 days at 80 degrees, 6 days at 70 degrees…and right now I'm waiting on two seeds that have been in rock wool for about 8 days with nothing going on, but it's suddenly in the 60s in my apartment. I'm going to move them to a gentle heater for another week before giving up.


Well-Known Member
^^^^ ^ The longest I've waited was 11 days - ditch that shizz if it takes any longer. Bad genetics. Snatch up a $20 heat-pad off amazon. Keep them under a dome for two weeks while they root.. 80% Rh - 80F


Well-Known Member
TBH I said fuck it with germinating in a paper towel. I don't like transplanting those tiny sprouts. A lot of seeds have died that way and realistically it's only beneficial for people who germinate a lot of seeds for big big grows. It's much easier to drop them in rockwool put that in a humidity dome in a warm place.


Well-Known Member
Rockwool all the way man! But i did have one go around ten days before an still produce decent