Seed Germination strategy 2024

Germination strategy:

Pete moss.
Paper towel.

Which is the one you are using now that is better than the rest?
I've used paper towel method in the past, usually results in a broken taproot when trying to place it into the growing medium. Haven't tried the others. as always, drop the seed(s) into a glass of water for 12 hours or so, then I would recommend just placing the seed(s) in a seedling pot and watering them lightly, from there just let em germinate and water sparingly after germination.
I've used paper towel method in the past, usually results in a broken taproot when trying to place it into the growing medium. Haven't tried the others. as always, drop the seed(s) into a glass of water for 12 hours or so, then I would recommend just placing the seed(s) in a seedling pot and watering them lightly, from there just let em germinate and water sparingly after germination.
I've heard you can also add a very small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the glass of water to help older seeds germ, though when I tried this it didnt seem to make more sprout than the water itself. just an anecdote