seed husk???

How long should i leave a stuck seed husk on a seedling??? i have 2 blz bud seedlings one planted on sunday one on monday the one on I planted on monday has broken free from it shell without a problem the one i planted on sunday still has its husk (seedcasing) stuck on it it has crackd 3 quarters of the way but still looks pritty tight its now sat what should i do ?? should i just continue to keep the shell moist and hope it cracks or should i have a go at releasing the husk i really cant make my mind up what would be best for this young plant :leaf: NOTE: stem still looks lush green and healthy

thanks for any feedbk :clap:


Well-Known Member
I'd peel it off. I suspect the root tip is dead already and will never push itself out.
As Forest Gump says "Shit Happens"


Well-Known Member
Take it off, but be careful, sometimes the don't come off as easily as they look. I bought a 3 buck set of dental tools to help me out, my fat fingers tend to do more damage than help. If they are that old, assuming decent conditions, I'd give the ting some assistance with the husk.


Well-Known Member
mist with water really well before you do it... maybe once every 10 minutes for an hour.... just the seed case and around it... careful not to make mud in your soil... be very gentle... use tweezers if it is easier. GL
mist with water really well before you do it... maybe once every 10 minutes for an hour.... just the seed case and around it... careful not to make mud in your soil... be very gentle... use tweezers if it is easier. GL
iv been keeping the husk moist for the past hour just dripping phd water on to it an letting it dry out a bit and repeating the process my lights go out at 11pm uk time should i leave the lights on it for 24 hours after removing it or just stick to my 18/ 6 any feed bk would be great
Take it off, but be careful, sometimes the don't come off as easily as they look. I bought a 3 buck set of dental tools to help me out, my fat fingers tend to do more damage than help. If they are that old, assuming decent conditions, I'd give the ting some assistance with the husk.
i am going to remove the husk tonight iv steralized a pair of tweezers in boiling hot water and a drop on alchol is there a good tecniqe to this or just hope for the best i was thinkin of tryings to pry open the shell as apposed to taking it off if u get my meaning
going to have a joint just now and build up some dutch courage any pointer or tips in the next hour would be very greatful as im nervous about this lolololol

get bk to me plz al be online


Well-Known Member
i always keep my seedling lights on, i just cover the rapid rooter with a broke off chunk of another rooter.. so i dont think it matters when you do it, just be super careful and i bet you will be just fine.. the tip is all your focusing on.. once you seperate the very tip the two sides will kinda spring open a little..


Well-Known Member
i would keep your light on the 18/6 (that's funny my timer is also set for 11pm)... you don't want to stress it out at all.... just treat it like a bad tattoo, if you start to screw up, just stop. it's better to only start to damage your plant than kill it.... you'll be fine! plants are very soft at that age. just don't tug on her, like reef said, "pry it open" don't just pull on it... open it up and try to lift it away, if there is any restriction, stop pulling. try to get up under there and seperate the plant from the shell. Good luck!! keep us posted with your results.
i will do m8 not a problem il even try n get a pic posted so for future refrence how long should i leave it before having to do this i was reading somewhere that it should break from it shell around day 5 is this correct ?


Well-Known Member
i will do m8 not a problem il even try n get a pic posted so for future refrence how long should i leave it before having to do this i was reading somewhere that it should break from it shell around day 5 is this correct ?
There are too many strains and too many variables to really depend on any time frame imo. But if the stalk is up and the shell hasn't popped in a day or so is when it could use some help. I've had beans do that in the past and not helped them and they just died after a couple days.


Well-Known Member
Every situation is different. Different angles, different roots, different seeds. Just don't be to rough, the plant show you how it wants it to come off as you do it. I made the mistake of not doing this and it was a big set back. The plants I took the husks or hulls off of are easily twice the size of the ones I waited on.
Thats it done i just took my time gave it a good mist before hand and had been dropping water on the casing an round about it for the past hour ever 15 mins or so i done it with a pair sterilized tweezers and a fresh pair of rubber gloves the casing wasnt to difficult to come of i dont think i never forced it or was to ruff just kinda prized it open i used my other hand and kinda steady the base of the soil helping to support it making sure i wasnt packing the soil down to much the seed kinda sprung open ijust left it and the seed casing has started to fall off its hanging on with just a ballhair and im on the edge wthere just to remove it and be done with it lol or just leave it the leaves have got a pale green colour fading to waxy white theres a little brown spot thats holding the too leaves together i gave it a good mist and left it its currently under a 400 m/h i normally use a t5 but wasnt avilable for this project any advice or should i just skin up and hope for the best ???


Well-Known Member
Thats it done i just took my time gave it a good mist before hand and had been dropping water on the casing an round about it for the past hour ever 15 mins or so i done it with a pair sterilized tweezers and a fresh pair of rubber gloves the casing wasnt to difficult to come of i dont thinks i never forced it or was to ruff just kinda prized it open i used my other hand and kinda steady the base of the soil helping to support it making sure i wasnt packing the soil down to much the seed kinda srung open ijust left it and the seed casing has started to fall off i hanging on with just a ballhair and im on the edge wthere just to remove it and be done with it lol or just leave it the leaves have got a pale green colour fading to waxy white theres a little brown spot thats holding the too leaves together i gave it a good mist and left it its currently under a 400 m/h i normally use a t5 but wasnt avilable for this project any advice or should i just skin up and hope for the best ???
Thats awesome!! good work... she should open right up now... feel better now huh? are the leaves green?
Thats awesome!! good work... she should open right up now... feel better now huh? are the leaves green?
yes m8 much better thanks for all your help reef & others the leaves start of nearist the stem a pale greeny colour then fade out to a waxy white colour didnt think it would go aswell as it did bro it looked stuck on there

Thanks for all the help ...roll it up to the rescue. again!!!

al keep all posted fo the next couple of days if it surives fingers crossed