Seed planting orientation


Active Member
I want to place seeds directly into seed starting mix. Which end of the the seed do I place down? What position should the seed be in the seed starting mix?


Active Member
I heard somewhere to place the seed "point down". Is this correct or should the"round" end face downward?


Well-Known Member
i have never once worried about what you are worrying about. Look to nature when you want great advice. Does a plant take the time to determine how it should drop its seeds into the soil? no, it just drops it. If you plant it 1/4" to a 1/2" deep, the seed will turn any which way it has to, in order to reach the surface and the sun, 99.9% of the time.


Active Member
That makes good sense. Thanks. Guess there are a lot of "misinformed" growers out there.


Well-Known Member
Dude the taproot has to face down or the root starts to grow upward and can cause a hermie. face that down and you have a better cahnce of getting her to be female (supposedly)


Well-Known Member
Dude the taproot has to face down or the root starts to grow upward and can cause a hermie. face that down and you have a better cahnce of getting her to be female (supposedly)
Yah, if you germinate them first. I beleive he was talking about placing an un-germinated seed in soil. In my experience, the plant will always reach for the sun, and its roots grow towards moisture. I think there is maybe one instance were the seed grows wrong in the soil, on this whole site.
And that instance could have just been a retarded seed.