Seed problem


Prior to reading threads on this site I planted three seeds in the same 1Gallon pot. As of today all three have just sprouted out and I was wondering what to do so that all three are transplanted without being ruined, and when the appropriate time would be to do so?


Active Member
If you didn't plant them to close, u need to act fast. Carefully remove them with a spoon, or by hand making sure to stay away from
The main stem as to not damage the roots. Wait to long, and the roots are gonna tangle. Planted to close, it's still possible to get them apart but risky. If close you may lose one or all trying to separate.


Well-Known Member
alright rookie mistake right there planting in the same pot but we live and learn, what i would do is since the roots havent grown much take a few peices of hard plastic, like the cover to a school binder or sumthing, but make sure its thin, and stick the plastic in the dirt all the way to the bottom of the pot to section of the 3 plants, since theres hardly ne roots yet u shouldnt have to worry about crushing the roots w/ the plastic, dnt put the plastic to close to each plant tho, after ther sectioned off evenly let them grow and get a good root ball growing on them, the dividers will prevent your roots from growing together, after a few weeks transplant them in to separate pots, when putting the plastic in i would hav the soil moist or wet so it goes in easy. but watch so u dnt disturb ur soil or ur plants to much
depends on how fast you flower them if you need to transplant or not. you can go straight into 12/12 and have more than enough room for their roots.


Active Member
Duhhh. Never thought of same pot separation. Hee hee. Not much different then small cups to start. Good call.