Seed Question Guys


Hey riu, I have a question. The clinic I live next too sells a lot of outdoor grown strains other words they contain a lot of seeds, which I know its wack for clinic to be doing that. So are this seeds good? What if I grow then indoor and they way its suppost to be. Will I get bomb ass weed ? It does depend on how its grown right? the weeds taste crapy and look nasty but I am guessing it cuse the thc got down graded of of the seed makeing. Can any one answer me this? Thanks guys


Active Member
Well it depends, if the weed was bomb, the seeds should be bomb.

Also you should take seeds from a plant that has completed flowering and not chopped prematurely, you want full grown seeds, large and brown, not green/whitish seeds.

You might get better results growing them indoors, but I'm not sure of that, it all depends on the mother plant's genetics.
Don't try and plant seeds directly from a seeded plant, seeds go into a 6 months hibernation period after the end of flowering (this is so they don't germinate themselves outdoors during the harsh winter climates)

The weed doesn't taste crap cos of the seeds, sure it's THC is lower cos some energy went into seed production instead of crystal and THC production, but believe me I have tasted seeded weed that can put you in high orbit! This was the case during the 70's when the concept of sensimilla was still somewhat unheard new.

Just get some quality seeds from Attitude or Nirvana mate, you will be better off ;)


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You might, you might not. As simple as that. While the strain you have smoked and de-seeded might be great, unless you know what the male was, it could have been pollinated with anything. Always a chance of a keeper though so grow em out! :)


Active Member
you can get some good plants outa bag seeds.. the thing is.. if you grow ten plants one might be realy good smoke and the other nine mids or worse. on the upside your crop should be seedless properly grown and cured..blah blah blah..and for fucking sure better overall then the bullshit they're selling as meds over there. you pry wont get a cannibis cup winner outa the deal but you will learn a thing or two and get some nice greens fo the hed stash


Yea thanks that all I want to know if their is a chance of some seeds being bomb. Ill grow them like if they are cup winners. You give something lots of love it has to show u some type of love back. Thanks guys lol ill read to them if I have to.


Active Member
If I had access to a large qty of bag seeds I'd definitely grow em out. With a larger variety, you could pin point the best phenos as any batch of seeds seems to grow with big variances to their tendencies. I'm usually limited to buying 5-10 seeds at a time due to cost when I'm looking for specific strains. After sorting out the males, I usually am pretty limited in my choices of picking the best of what's left.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya roidrage....i ended up with 1/5 females so had no selection. Luckly it was good skunk strain. I've been growing clones of her for more that 2 years. I've only recently purchased some other strains...trying to get some variety. I'm hoping to have at least 2 fems to choose from for each of the 2 new strains.

I don't grwo bagseed anymore i find it tends to go hermi...i have 100s of seeds from hermis...but they all end up hermi too.




Sweet. Thanks for all the replys. Ill just grow them and see what happens. Ill start a grow log and keep people posted. Thanks riu