Seed Question..

Antidote Man

Well-Known Member
So I've purchased a bunch of seeds online over the years. I have over several hundred varieties and I've noticed something strange... most of them are dark brown, dark green and light green and lack the tiger stripes.

When I was younger we pulled the seeds out of bags we bought and smoked and the consensus was that the tiger striped seeds were the best. I have read more recently that this is isn't true.

So my question is, why are they so uncommon in breeder packs?

I would think if they weren't any more valuable I'd be seeing a lot more them. Almost like the breeders picked them out of the pile and bagged up the rest..

Any thoughts/similar experiences?

I've done my own pollinating in my backyard. What I've noticed is when I pull beans early they seem to have less stripes. If I let the plants mature longer and start pushing seeds out of the flowers I notice more striped beans. As far a germination I've had high germination rates regardless of striping.
Different strains have different colouration and sizes so I don't think it matters one way or 'tother. I have bought very few seeds but have made lots of my own and got lots from various buddies on various forums and there's plenty of variation. From solid black to light brown with tiny spots and all sorts in between.

I haven't had many of the inbred mongrels that pass for strains these days so it's quite possible all the hybridization makes for uniform seed colouration but I got to see it to know for sure.

It rubs off. I think it’s just residue from where it’s housed on the plant. Seeds with the stripes missing may have been handled a little too much.

Anyone ever harvest seeds that did not have any stripes?

edit: I just rubbed the stripes off the seed on the right. To the left is how it looked prior.73256A5E-B3A3-47F0-BC39-012D247A10F1.jpeg
Then I went ahead and fondled all but 4.
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It rubs off. I think it’s just residue from where it’s housed on the plant. Seeds with the stripes missing may have been handled a little too much.

Anyone ever harvest seeds that did not have any stripes?

edit: I just rubbed the stripes off the seed on the right. To the left is how it looked prior.View attachment 5169162
Then I went ahead and fondled all but 4.
View attachment 5169164
Thanks, yes thats exactly what I meant. Its just a skin that comes of with handling
Different strains have different colouration and sizes so I don't think it matters one way or 'tother. I have bought very few seeds but have made lots of my own and got lots from various buddies on various forums and there's plenty of variation. From solid black to light brown with tiny spots and all sorts in between.

I haven't had many of the inbred mongrels that pass for strains these days so it's quite possible all the hybridization makes for uniform seed colouration but I got to see it to know for sure.


"inbred mongrels that pass for strains "

Damn, I need to put that in my signature. Truth.
I see stripes more on Indica dom and non-stripes on sativa type. The stripes are a thin layer that breaks off, as others above have stated. Here is a pic of some seeds I made. 37396E47-5FAA-4773-B1E6-9900464A185E.jpeg
the top seeds have the layer breaking off, the bottom right looks like monster energy drink logo.
I see stripes more on Indica dom and non-stripes on sativa type. The stripes are a thin layer that breaks off, as others above have stated. Here is a pic of some seeds I made. View attachment 5170741
the top seeds have the layer breaking off, the bottom right looks like monster energy drink logo.
Reading the replies this was knocking around in my head.
From what I remember it's allegedly Indica/sativa related.
Reading the replies this was knocking around in my head.
From what I remember it's allegedly Indica/sativa related.
So ive heard as well many times mate but idk how much id believe it it might be true then again it might not be even if it is theres probably the odd exception to the rule as in most things plus now that i think about it ive seen imported thai seeds that had stripes and that bud was legit mind you it was probably from laos as they grow more than thailand apparently
In my experience some strains retain the skin better than others. Not sure about indica sativa and nowadays almost everything is hybernized.

The Mango Hashplant I made seess with on multiple occasions now for example loses the skin almost instantly, while other strains are better at retaining it.
The skin doesnt have any indication on potency or whatever though
Speaking of "these days" that was going through my mind.
I could be wrong but I think I recall the seed description of indica/sativa from the little green Sensi catalog from before internet days.
I could be wrong though?

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