seed question


Well-Known Member
Ok so goin thru my bagseed i have an asortment of colors, shapes, and sizes. my question is do any of them do anything different. I found some place online that if you look at a seed from the side if its perect round and the part where it grew off the plant is perfectly round its a female seed. I also have heard the white seeds are just no good. I also heard the white seeds are fem. I def dont beleive that one. But do the different charicteristics of a seed mean different things?


Active Member
I know a white seed isn't mature. As for predicting the plants sex by seed shape... I dont see much truth to that.


Active Member
Ok so goin thru my bagseed i have an asortment of colors, shapes, and sizes. my question is do any of them do anything different. I found some place online that if you look at a seed from the side if its perect round and the part where it grew off the plant is perfectly round its a female seed. I also have heard the white seeds are just no good. I also heard the white seeds are fem. I def dont beleive that one. But do the different charicteristics of a seed mean different things?
The only thing you can tell about the outside of the seed is how mature it is. The white ones are less mature, and typically have a less chance of germinating. Big ones with stripes, typically represent a seed at its peak maturity, thus increasing your odds for a successful germination.