seed question


Well-Known Member
A friend gave me 3 feminized seeds i put them in a glass of water they all dropped the i put them i a wet kitchen paper soaked wet in a dark place ( first time germinating seeds this way) one of them is already good for soil 2 days aft er but the others are in the 3 day and nothing they aren't even opening.
Can they still germinate or are they dead?


Active Member
my seed took like 24 hours to crack. then the one after took 5 days so just keep them wet, like Onit said... wait a week before giving up.


Active Member
Hey man, how about a comma, or a period, a space, anything, so we can understand what the hell you're saying? Is that too much to fucking ask?


Well-Known Member
Hey man, how about a comma, or a period, a space, anything, so we can understand what the hell you're saying? Is that too much to fucking ask?
they are in a dark small place between 2 plates with a bit of water and in a paper soaking wet:peace:

tanks guys i never did it this way before i usually grabbed 10 seeds and planted them in the ground and let nature do the rest.


I would keep a close eye on the temp. I live in a drafty ass apartment and I had some seeds that sat for a few days w/o cracking, but I put them on my lights (shop light style floros) and they all cracked within 24 hours. Hope that helps and good luck with your grow.