Seed Still Attatched


Active Member
Hey guys, there's two seedlings here with the seed still stuck on the plant. Just wondering what the general procedure would be here, or do I just let them grow?

The 1st 2 pics is of one plant and show the seed still attached after over 48 hrs.

The 2nd 2 pics are another plant also about 48 hrs apart and it shows the plant growing up, but the seed has not split yet...

Any help would be appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Hey guys, there's two seedlings here with the seed still stuck on the plant. Just wondering what the general procedure would be here, or do I just let them grow?

The 1st 2 pics is of one plant and show the seed still attached after over 48 hrs.

The 2nd 2 pics are another plant also about 48 hrs apart and it shows the plant growing up, but the seed has not split yet...

Any help would be appreciated!
Don't worry about it. This has happened to me on several occasions. When the plant gets its first set of true leave it should kick that seed right off. I have never seen them stay on to long the plant normally takes care of it with no intervening neccessary. Keep up the grow:bigjoint: