Seed vs Clone and Plant Structure ?


Well-Known Member
Is a Clones plant structure simmilar to a seed grown plant's structure ??

I Know enouth that clones are commony used in SOG type setups to be kept short, but if they are grown outdoors all season how does their structure compare to a seed grown plant of the same varity ( I understand different pheno types will likely come into play) ???

Do female seeds even have different pheno's ??

I have seen in landscape type plants that when 'cloned' the branches usualy tend to grow at slightly less of a angle - they point higher up that is . Is this the same with canna ??

Tar Mac

If my memory serves me right back in botany class a plant from seed will develop a taproot system with one main root will many side roots and mini big roots. A Clone plant develops a fibrous root system roots everywhere with a lack of one real main root.


Well-Known Member
a clone will usually come from a sexualy mature parent, so it will grow alternating leaf nodes instead of dual leaf nodes like a seed plant


Well-Known Member
yeah, eventually you cant tell the difference between a clone plant and a seed plant unless you look very closely at it and know what to look for, since they are geneticly identical they will display the same traits while growing, the only real difference is how they start out