Seed yeilding?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The sale of "short" growing plants is just marketing.

The reality is that, other than with crazy growing sativas which can be a little different, you can grow any plant to any size you wish, you simply have to train and prune them to your needs and put into flowering at the correct time.


Active Member
you can keep your plants short by or lower by tying them or bending the branches, which tends to make them bushier rather than taller, look up and read about lollipopping and super cropping and sea of green and screen of green (SOG and SCROG).I havent tried the sogs yet, im doing the super cropping and lollipopping so far they are bushier rather than taller..
good luck in your quest.


Well-Known Member
thanks totaly but still hasnt answered which will have the most yield :s
I can say I grew a 1 lb plant of a certain strain, say my buddy grew the same strain from the same mother and it could only be 1/2 lb or less, it all depends on how a plant is grown, how much you take care of it, etc. You could get a clone that came from a plant that put out an 1/8 oz of weed, treat it better than they did, and get 1/4 lb... so... You have to treat your plants RIGHT to increase your yield, nobody can guess it for you. BTW never ask if anybody can guess how much your plant will yield you will get tons of stupid answer(just search it and laugh)