

Active Member
ok so im wondering if a mother plant can be pollinated during veg stage she was 5 months old. I have cuttings of her that were vegged for 6 weeks and are now in flower, 4 weeks in and they are popping little green seeds. checked high and low and there aint a dick in sight.

I had a problem with a hermie just as the mother showed sex. the place was cleaned top to bottom and I moved my growroom quite a distance away (couple of hundred meters to a different house).


Well-Known Member
pics would help...cause you might be seeing calyxes that form on the stem where the branch come off the plant...if it has hairs it's a calyx if not, I would yes it can be pollenated in veg if it has matured and was showing pistils (stigmas)


Well-Known Member
most of the pollen is air borne, some gets on you. you go into the flower room, and it gets into the air.


Well-Known Member
ok so im wondering if a mother plant can be pollinated during veg stage she was 5 months old.
...the short answer is no, for pollination to occur you need a pistil and a grain of pollen, like an egg and sperm, you need both.

...btw, sometimes pollen sacs can be right inside a flower cluster and so VERY difficult to spot without VERY careful scanning with a handheld microscope.

...also btw, pollen, unless carefully collected and stored, is only viable for a few days so moving your op to a different location because of a hermie is un-necesssary.

...and RIKNSTEIN is right, pics would help.

peace, bozo


Active Member
heres some pics, shame they have seeded. the mother went a while ago without flowering root rot from the heat of summer and no water cooling and the hermies were about 6 months ago and a hell of a lot of bleaching and cleaning went on.

cant get a close up of calyx wrong lens on camera. and looked for hours at the underside of buds def no dicks. 12 plants fucked