I was wondering if i plant from seed today will i be able to produce a pound from seed or is this too late and should have started with clones will be using pruning root pots with coco?
I was wondering if i plant from seed today will i be able to produce a pound from seed or is this too late and should have started with clones will be using pruning root pots with coco?
dude, I haven't even cracked beans yet, your good. But right about now is good time to start going. Don't let all the guys getting a head start get u worried, theres still time
I know a guy in The Midwest who never germinates until May hits. He is typically putting seedlings out to pasture from Mid May through the end of it. No time to loly gag around though. Get busy and put in the effort to dig holes of a minimum of 3' deep and 1.5' across and make a strong push to fill the holes with a good mixture and make it point to provide all the water needed. Then when Autumn arrives kick back and reap the fruits of your labor