Seedless producing seeds? possible?


Active Member
I have a haze sativa that is one week out from harvest. My question is this, Is it possible that a seedless plant produce seeds? While looking over my plant yesterday I found ONE seed. So I searched and searched and searched the rest of the plant and there are no other seeds. It is the only plant I have and it is indoors so I know it wasnt fertilized. Can a seedless plant produce a few seeds to satisfy its sense of preservation? Has any one heard of this before?


Well-Known Member
yes it often happens towards end of flowering with certain strains, will be interesting to see if its viable


Well-Known Member
If your plants get light during the dark period of the flowering cycle it will usually result in hermaphrodite plants and some seeds here and there.

When this happens you will only get females or hermies from the seeds. I think that's how they get feminized seeds.

It will stunt growth some and need to get itself back into flowering mode after the confusion but it's a good way to get seeds from something you only have 1 plant of.

Sometimes you won't get seeds though and instead you'll just get little male parts popping out of the bud. They look like little bananas


Well-Known Member
if you've had a male in there b4 and didnt clean thoroughly, you might hav had some pollen hangin around


Well-Known Member
also if u flower for too long the plant tries its darn'dest to survive and prolong its genetics so normallyhermies and tries to pollinise its self.


Well-Known Member
My current grow is the only time I've done from seed. All of my past grows have been from clones so it definitely didn't get polinated


Active Member
This is the first time I grew in this house so its not from that. Im pretty sure that they havnt been flowering too long because although the pistles are 70-80% orange, the trichomes are still clear for the most part with only about 30% cloudy. so I have about a week left. Next week makes 12 weeks so I am right on schedule. ALL SEEDS FROM A HERMIE WILL BE FEMINIZED 100%. That is a fact. Its just weird to me. I do see 2 buds on the plant that have those banana shaped things comming out of them, but only two out of the 40 or 50 buds that are on it. Im going to try to post pics now. I couldnt zoom in enough so the scisors are pointing at the seed in the first pic and in the second pic they point at one of the banana things. Third and 4th just pics of my plant. So If my plant is trying to morph should I harvest now or wait till the trichs are ready? (I really need the answer to that question!!!!) This is the first time this has ever happend to one of my grows so I am not sure what to do.



Well-Known Member
your plant aint going to morph. wait a few days if want but to me your plant looks pretty beat up and you want to pick b 4 long.


its cool bro.... many plants will throw out a naner or two towards the far end of flowering... like someone else has already said; its a self preservation mechanism


I have a pretty stable strain that puts a male part on at the last week of flowering.


and i meant to add that stray lil naners are not hermies.... a hermie has both male and female parts.... these plants throw out naners from a calyx.... there are no technical male parts on them


Junior Creatologist
hell yeah, n id keep them seeds too. i cant remember which poster it was that talked about those seeds being feminized, but yeah chances are it will turn out to be a female seed. Thats how alot of breeders who are against chemicals get their femmed seeds - they stress a plant out to the point of self fertilization, and the resulting seeds are what they sell as feminized seeds. So pop them beans out, n keep um. Use them for your next grow if your happy with the quality of the chronic you just grew :D


Active Member
Alright. Cool. Thanks a lot for the input. I was worried. I really appreciate everyones help here on RIU. Couldnt have done it without you guys and your help. Thanks again!