Seedling gettin too tall ?

Do not transplant this young unless u want sertain death !

are you retarded??? Stop trying to give out advice.. you couldnt be more wrong. They need to be transplanted immediately.. Bury the stem until its about 1.5" inches from the top of plant.. they stretch like that because they are searching for light.. now you know to keep the light closer to the plant next time.. lesson learned :peace:

and its spelled certain not sertain ...
Once you transplant the hormones in the plant will detect that the stem is burried and eventually it will form roots.
thanks to all of you guys , i will transplanet them and get them under 250W MH as soon as possible ,
i just need to purchase big planters

CG replace it to 20w..the biggest i've got around the house now..
i have a HPS 250W but it's too eraly no ?
Any idea what Kelvin rating?
You don't have something right if you're that close.
Even go buy a 4 pack of 13w 5000k bulbs for now, that will get you by for a few weeks.
are you retarded??? Stop trying to give out advice.. you couldnt be more wrong. They need to be transplanted immediately.. Bury the stem until its about 1.5" inches from the top of plant.. they stretch like that because they are searching for light.. now you know to keep the light closer to the plant next time.. lesson learned :peace:and its spelled certain not sertain ...
I posted that before I knew the guy had more than one in a pot lol forum tough guys ur a joke man
Don't forget an oscillating fan. It will help sturdy up those stems. I would also bury that stem and start over with a few inches sticking out.