Seedling To Stop It?


Well-Known Member
Got a fine seed that is already 4" tall from our grow light...I don't want another huge plant (got one already), how do I make her stop & spread her "wings" a bit more? All comments appreciated!


Well-Known Member
is the light far away from the plant? is so bring it closer to the plant, bc the seedling is probably not getting as much light as it needs so it is stretching towards the light. What type of bulb is it, like a cfl? or just a bulb that you can buy at home depot that says grow bulb?


Well-Known Member
If its an envirolite or a CFL type energy saving bulb, it needs to be alot closer.

CFLs must be approx 1-2" away from the plant to be efficient.
Your plant is strtching because the light isnt strong enough.
you need to move it closer to stop the stretching.
also you could try using a lil LST on the seedling until it starts developing real leaves


Well-Known Member
LST - Low Stress Training.
Use cotton or those lil plastic covered wire twisty things for the garden to gently pull the plant over to the side, you can trail it all around the top of the pot if you wish, helps keep your plants a lil shorter..

just be gently and pull it over a lil every day.

BUT, i think you'll solve the problem if you get the light closer.
Make sure you get the stem stiffened up, get a fan blowing on it, or give it a gentle bend every now n then..this will help thicken the stem.

when you repot, bury the plant lower, to take up some of the stretchd stem.


Well-Known Member
That's the best info I could have imagined....THANK YOU!! Will follow this other "little" girl is a 38" Sativa, that I believe to be KALI MIST....she sure enuff is BIG! Pain in the ass to grow, but, I hope....SO WORTH IT! Again, THANKS BRO.!!!!!!:-)

p.s...Got her 2 wks. into flowering.:-))))))


Well-Known Member
Man, I just trained my plants to enjoy the light a little closer throughout the day (400w MH/HPS) and eventually they could take it pretty close (7-9") without stress or burn, and I have an ice plant that at 6 weeks old from seed was only 7 1/2" tall, 9 nodes, bushy as hell, .......started showing sexual maturity (uneven nodes, but no micro preflowers) and went to 12/12 two days ago.......she was 11" with 13 nodes when she went into the flower she is 16" tall and a preflowers yet, but a man can dream.


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm looking for...more BUSH than HEIGHT! My Sativa is still growing, even during flowering. I will most definintely start to flower a heck of a lot sooner. Just learning....and my luck.....she turns out to be a Sativa. Hope I'm not disappointed when it's all said & done, however....I doubt it.


Active Member
? for this forum....
it bad for ur plant to be stretching right?
if it doesent stretch...will it affect you overall yeild?
if u dont let it stretch...will ur yeild be less?


Well-Known Member
stretchin is bad cuz you end up with spindley, top heavy plants that often just collapse under their own weight.
One of the reasons keeping stretch to a minimum is shorter plants are easier to conceal, help towards making your lighting more effective. IE. a short squat plant that has close node spacing will use the light more efficiently than a tall spindley plant,because the height of a stretched plant will decrease the number of lumens the lower leaves will be getting..
But you would have to have a pretty seriously stretched plant for that to be too much of a problem.