seedling help

high all. this is my first time growin and i'd really appreciate some help. my seedlings are about 5 days old now and 2 of them have already died =(. they got long but just fell over. i have 1 that is pretty long and looks great(master kush) but the other 5 seem to be struggling 2(haze) 1 (white widow) and 2 (skunk) they are all femenized and got offline. i have them in a seedling tray under 2 15 watt plant and aquarium fluro's about 5 inches up
please help
sorry for bad quality had to use web cam


Yeah I was wondering about the whole seedling thing getting too long too. I have seen tomato plants do that when searching for light but I think it would not happen under a 400 watt bulb. Any answers out there?


Well-Known Member
lower the light to about a inch... it wont hurt them. Also make sure those inserts dont get to dry/wet. Roots only need 30% moisture to grow. Good luck oh

Red Dragon420

Active Member
i have experienced that all seedling stretch at first. What I do is I fill a beer cup half way full of soil then plant the germinated seed and by the time the stretch is over I fill it in with dirt right up to the top of the cup and its off to the races!!

But about your plants..they need nutrients, they are hungry, there is no food in those plugs for need to pot them in beer cups half full of soil, then fill the dirt up to the first set of leaves and water thoroughly.. Make sure all the soil gets'll trick you so check it carefully...then in about a week give 1/4 strength grow nutes and keep'em on a schedule..this is what I have learned through trial and error...


Well-Known Member
dude u gotta plug those little holes in the rooters or they will just grow right out and fall over and die. they need something to push againt so they can start to send there tap root down through the rooter. just pinch a little of that peat moss off and place it in the hole before they sprout


New Member
Drain all that water out of the reservoir. Also squeeze some of the water out of the pucks. The pucks should be sponge-like damp, not soaking wet water logged. There is a misconception that one should fill the res with water. The channels on the bottom of the res are for overflow drainage when you feed them from the top. Those channels , and the holes in the medium tray, actually deliver air from the bottom. If you go to: note the directions step 3 states NO water in the res. What is happening is the pucks are wicking the water up, going into saturation.