Seedling help?


So we have 2 seedlings in a grow box, 2X 26 watt 6500k CFL bulbs 2 inches away, with intake and exhaust fans.

One of the seedlings fell a distance of about 2 feet onto the ground in a small pot about 4 days ago. The plant fell out, some roots were broken but most were intact, and the stem had bent a little as well. Both seedlings were replanted into one pot, under the assumption that the damaged one would die.
The leaves of the injured seedling have very slowly drooped down over the past few days, the centers of the leaves have begun to turn grey, the stem has turned purple, and growth has stopped completely. I watered 2 days ago to no avail, but after watering this afternoon, the leaves began to perk up and she's showing signs of life.
Now here is the real issue. The seedlings are in topsoil. I know how bad that is, but it was a spur of the moment only-thing-I-had type deal. I know I have to get them into a good soil blend ASAP, but is it too risky to repot them a second time with one in such poor condition?


Well-Known Member
your most likely going to hurt both of them, putting 2 plants in the same container is a bad idea, if you thought the one would die it makes it an even worse idea, decaying root matter and such in with your healthier plant isnt going to go well for you if it dies, and if it lives the roots will get hopelessly tangled. Separate them immediately, the longer you wait the worse it will be.


Yes, I know all of this. I made some mistakes a few days ago, but I have since done some reading and know better.

They're not close enough or large enough to affect each other yet, and I plan on separating them into better soil ASAP. But I want to know if you think the shock of a second move will kill the sick one?


Well-Known Member
It may,these plants can survive severe stress/damage that from looking at them you'd think they were garbage,It can take a very long time though and I cant tell you for sure if it will live or die. I'd start a new one in case this one does die on you when you seperate them. How big is the container you put them in? By the time you find out for sure if this one will live or die you could start a new plant that will be bigger than the stunned one that hasnt been all shocked and injured and like i said will outgrow the one your trying to save. Dont give up on the damaged one, but start a new plant or 2. Trust me, I wouldnt steer you wrong.


Well-Known Member
Here the best way to transplant your sick plant. First of all, piss all over your sick plant then pour about 10 TABLESPOONS not teaspoons (won't get the job done) of some good ol' Miracle Grow plant food all over the soil, then watch as it dies a suffering death, hopeless and helpless, if your lucky it won't harm the healthy plant but only god knows... Ha jk, transplant it when you think it's the right time, as the guy above said, the longer the worse. Transplant it when the sicker plant restores to full health. Peace.


Kk cool, thanks for all the good advice. I'm linking my other thread with pics of the grow box---> , you'll notice I only have room for one plant in there. I sort of germinated seeds on a whim, and I threw a single-plant box together pretty quickly. It was my intention to only grow one because I don't really have space for 2 adult plants in my room. So if the one lives, and they're both female, I'll have an extra plant to deal with.