Seedling Help

My seedling broke the soil with the seed shell still intact and at the top of the stem. I kept the shell saturated with water and was able to remove the shell casing but now all that is there is like the inside of the seed and no baby leaves at all. Is this plant done for or does it still have a chance? Any help with this is appriciated since I havent had this problem before. Thanks
I'm about to start my first grow, i'm just going to germ it in paper towels then plant it in a bucket of organic soil. I'm a bit confused on lighting though, I'm going to buy some 25+ watt CFL's. I'm not sure where to put the lights when they're seedlings? About 2 inches away and move it up as they grow? After they've gotten past seedlings I have no idea what to do xD
Yea use the paper towel for germing it works choice. As far as how to position your lights I would say that 2'' is going to be perfect for that amount of wattage. Look for something a little stronger that so that it will pay off in the end.
Yea use the paper towel for germing it works choice. As far as how to position your lights I would say that 2'' is going to be perfect for that amount of wattage. Look for something a little stronger that so that it will pay off in the end.

Great, thanks mate. Am I able to use the same CFL lights for veging and flowering? I'm going to grow Northern lights.
Nothing?? Should I post a pic of what this thing looks like or what?

That would help.. their is a chance when you took the seed case off, you took the leaf growth with it.. post a pic.. either way it should be good or dead in 48 hours.